Safeguarding for Parents and Carers
Parents and carers play a leading role in encouraging and supporting their children to play and stay involved in sport, in a fun and safe environment.
Child Safeguarding
- All children and young people have the right to feel safe and be protected from abuse, harm, and neglect in sport.
- It is everyone’s responsibility – committees, volunteers, participants and parents and carers to keep children and young people safe.
How to Support your Child in Sport
Ensure you choose a safe club by asking questions such as:
- Does the club have a visible and accessible Child Safeguarding Policy?
- How does the club implement the policy?
- Does your sport have other policies which seek to protect children and young people? (Complaints, Photography and Filming, Social Media, Codes of Conduct).
- Does the club have a Child Safe Officer/Member Protection Officer?
- Does the club have a written Code of Conduct for all members that you can access?
- What processes are in place to administer first aid?
- Are child safe recruitment checks carried out by the club on staff and volunteers.
- Does the club gain informed consent? For example, written consent for your child to participate, to take and acquire photographs/video, to transport/travel with your child.
- Does the club have a clear complaint/reporting process that you can access?
- Does the club engage and listen to children and young people?
- Does the club have a process for communicating with parents and caregivers?
- How does the club communicate their approach to supervising children and young people?
- In what ways does the club actively seek feedback?
- Does the club provide information to children and young people on their rights to be safe and feel safe?
- Is the communication child friendly?
- Does your club provide ongoing training to staff/volunteers on how to keep children and young people safe?
- Encourage and support your child/ren in a positive manner.
- Remember to focus on your child’s participation, development, and enjoyment, winning is a bonus.
- Following your own Safeguarding obligations i.e. avoid yelling at your child for making an error or shout negative comments at the referee(s).
- Respect the decision of Officials and Referees – many are volunteers and young and need your support.
- Respect the decision of coaches, trust that they are making decisions in the best interests of the team and individuals.
- Call out or report any negative behaviour from other parents/spectators.
- Ensure your child comes on time and prepared for their sport activities with the required clothing, footwear, water bottle and sunscreen.
- Get involved by volunteering, and providing suggestions on how to improve things at your club.
Reporting and Complaints
Your sports club orassociation should have a complaint(s) process in place, that outlines how a complaint received and will be handled. This process should be accessible to all members. This may be via the sports club or association website.
Steps to follow:
Step 1:
If the child is at risk of immediate harm, call Police on 000 immediately.
Step 2:
If you have reasonable grounds to suspect a child has been or may be at risk of harm or abuse, call local Police on 131 444 AND make a report to your state or territory child protection service.
Step 3:
If you have a concern about inappropriate behaviour, report it to the appropriate person within your club or sport. This may be the Integrity Manager, Complaints Manager, or a designated safety officer, such as a Child Safe Officer.
Step 4:
Reports / complaints relating to child safeguarding and/or discrimination can be made via the Sport Integrity Australia Make an Integrity Complaint or Report form.
Your sport should welcome and embrace the reporting of inappropriate behaviour and other forms of complaints in an open and transparent manner as it will benefit them by:
- Identifying problems that may exist.
- Identifying areas of improvement.
- Building trust with stakeholders.
Reporting flow chart
E-Learning for Parents and Carers
There are many free online e-learning courses available to further increase knowledge and understanding of Child Safeguarding and Member Protection.
The Sport Integrity E-Learning Hub provides the following courses:
- Child Safeguarding Online Course
- Harassment and Discrimination Online Course
- Member Protection Information Office Course
- Complaint Handling Training
- Inclusive Coaching
- Creating an LGBTI + Inclusive Club
- Mini-Courses
More free online courses
- E-learning modules - Human Rights Australia
- eLearning courses - Office of the Children's Guardian NSW
- Parents in sport e-learning course - Child Protection in Sport Unit UK
- Online safety scenarios for sport - Child Protection in Sport Unit UK
Parents and carers - please also refer to your National and State Sporting Associations and your State and Territory agencies for additional courses and training - Office of Recreation and Sport, Child Protection and Advocacy Agencies.
Resources for Parents and Carers
Refer to the Safeguarding section of our Resources page (the Parents and Carers drop down menu) for downloadable resources:
- Children and Young People Safe Practices Do's and Don'ts
- Parents / Carers guide to selecting a safe sporting club factsheet
- Choosing a child safe club poster
- Checklist for selecting a safe sport club
More resources
- Child Safe Organisations: Guide for parents and carers - National Office for Child Safety
- Parents & carers - Child Safe - Human Rights of Australia
- Information for parents - Child Protection in Sport Unit UK
- Tips for parents to help create positive sporting environments - Play by the Rules
- Sideline behaviour for parents - Play by the Rules
- Safeguarding sport - On Side podcast episode
Parents and carers can also refer to their National and State Sporting Associations and their State and Territory agencies for additional resources - Office of Recreation and Sport, Child Protection and Advocacy Agencies.
Further links and information
Child Safe Organisations - Human Rights Australia
National Office for Child Safety
Play by the Rules - Making Sport inclusive, safe and fair
State and Territory Child Protection Agencies - Clearinghouse for Sport
State and Territory Sport Departments - Clearinghouse for Sport
Child Protection in Sport - Clearinghouse for Sport
Child Protection Sport Unit UK
Inclusive Sport – Australian Sports Commission