Safeguarding in sport

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    What is Safeguarding in sport?

    Safeguarding in sport involves protecting children, young people and adults from abuse, preventing harm and promoting their well-being by creating a safe and supportive environment for all.

    This means that a sporting organisation is committed to safeguarding by having:

    • Leaders champion a safe sporting culture.
    • Effective safeguarding policies and procedures.
    • Safe risk management strategies.
    • Robust recruitment and training processes.
    • Complaint handling and reporting processes.
    • Ongoing Continual Improvement.

    Whether you are a coach, administrator, participant, volunteer, parent or official – you have an important role to make sure everyone can take part in a fun. Safe and positive environment.

    Child safeguarding

    Sport Integrity Australia is committed to fostering and implementing Australian sport environments that are safe, supportive and friendly for children and young people.

    Child safety must be embedded in every Australian sporting organisation’s culture. It must be understood and practised at all levels of the sport with zero tolerance for any behaviour that puts the safety, well-being of children and young people at risk or harm.

    It is Important that everyone involved in delivering sports in Australia understands their legal and governance responsibilities to child safety, including boards, committees, administrators, volunteers, coaches, parents, and participants.



    Our Child Safe Commitment

    Check our Child Safe Commitment and Statement of Compliance

    Member protection

    Participation in sport should be safe for all. Everyone involved in sport should be treated with respect and dignity and is protected from discrimination, harassment, bullying and abuse.

    The Member Protection Policy under the National Integrity Framework is designed to protect the welfare, well-being and health of everyone involved in sport.

    Safeguarding information