Safeguarding for Coaches
As a coach of children, you are in a position of power, trust and influence. Children will look up to you and be guided by your actions. You play a key role in your sporting organisation.
You may have a significant amount of interaction with children and young people at your sporting organisation, so you may be among the first to see or recognise a developing situation that may require intervention.
Creating safe sport for all is everyone’s responsibility. We all have a role to play.
Your Responsibilities as a Coach
- Treat all children and young people respectfully.
- Provide a safe and inclusive environment for all children and young people to participate in.
- Listen to children and young people and include them in decision making.
- Comply with your state and territory legislation, including Mandatory Reporting and Working with Children Check (WWCC) requirements.
- Understand your sports child safe practices (the expected standards of behaviour) and always comply with them.
- Adhere to your organisation’s coaches code of conduct.
- Immediately report any concerns or allegations if you witness or suspect a child or young person has been harmed or may be at risk of harm.
- Proactively undertake child safeguarding training to raise your awareness of child safeguarding practices and how address situations that may arise.
- Be a positive influence, and/or voice for change, in the creation of a child safe environment.
- Make sure that your actions always contribute to a safe and inclusive environment for children, young people and all participants.