The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.


Integrity support reaches community coaches

  • Media statements

A new education course for community sport coaches has integrity at its core, thanks to a partnership between Sport Australia and Sport Integrity Australia.

The free course, Community Coaching - Essential Skills, was developed by Sport Australia and supported by Sport Integrity Australia to help coaches create safe, fun and inclusive environments for participants in sport.

While the broad aim of the course is to help develop informed, more effective coaches at the community level, the two agencies agreed that embedding education about safe coaching practices was critical.

As a result, the first module of the course focuses solely on the role coaches play in keeping sport safe and highlights the influence coaches at a community level have on children and other members.

Throughout the course, coaches are also reminded of the ‘dos and don’ts’ of coaching children when it comes to things like parent/guardian involvement, online communication, professional boundaries and transportation.

It also provides support to coaches so they can perform their role in an environment that is free from poor behaviour like harassment and abuse.

Sport Integrity Australia CEO David Sharpe says the course is an important step in building stronger, safer sporting communities, particularly at the grassroots level.

“Sport can build a number of positive personal qualities like self-confidence, leadership skills, resilience and strong moral frameworks,” Mr Sharpe says.

“We need to be vigilant in protecting that.

“This partnership ensures that community coaches across Australia are equipped with the right information to ensure their playing environments are safe, supportive and enable participants to grow and flourish.”

With the 2032 Brisbane Games on the horizon, Mr Sharpe says a coach’s role is even more critical as “many young athletes being coached at this level today are the potential Olympians and Paralympians of tomorrow”.

Sign up to complete the Community Coaching - Essential Skills course here:

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