Privacy: Making an Integrity Report

This notice describes how we, Sport Integrity Australia, collect and manage personal information when you submit a Report using the ‘Make an Integrity Complaint or Report – Report’ form on our website, or when you contact us another way to submit a Report (such as over the phone or by email). 


We collect your personal information from you when you submit a Report using the ‘Make an Integrity Complaint or Report – Report’ form on our website, or when you contact us another way to submit a Report (such as over the phone or by email).

You are not required to provide your personal information when you submit a Report.

However, any information provided in your Report, including any personal information, may be used to identify you and to obtain relevant information relating to your Report. We may also use your personal information to communicate with you throughout any investigation that Sport Integrity Australia may undertake in relation to your Report.

The collection of this information is authorised under the Sport Integrity Australia Act 2020 (SIA Act) and/or your sport’s National Integrity Framework (the Framework) Complaints, Disputes and Discipline Policy (CDDP) (if applicable).

If you choose to disclose your personal information, we may contact you for further information and you may be identified to the person/s affected by the alleged conduct such as Affected Party/ies, Respondent(s) and/or Witness(s) in your Report.

If we do not collect this information, we will be unable to communicate with you regarding your Report. 

Use and disclosure

We ordinarily use and disclose the above personal information to deal with your Report and (where the Sport is operating under the Framework) to manage your Report under the Framework CDDP. This includes:

  • if your Report does not meet the requirements under the Framework CDDP, we may disclose a copy of your Report to the relevant National Sporting Organisation
  • we may use the information provided in your Report to contact you or other identified parties to obtain further information about the Report
  • if your Report includes information about potential imminent harm, an ongoing risk of harm or information about criminality, we may provide your details or information relating to your Report to a relevant law enforcement body, sporting organisation, or other relevant parties
  • information you provide in your Report may be de-identified and used to understand trends and patterns of issues that may be present in a sporting organisation. We may use this information to better understand the nature of integrity issues in Australian sport, and to support the development of programs to prevent and better respond to integrity threats in sport.

In addition to the above, we may disclose your personal information and information contained in your Report to:

  • a National Sporting Organisation
  • law enforcement
  • a tribunal, committee, or other investigative body.

In certain circumstances, we may disclose your personal information overseas to:

  • international law enforcement
  • international sporting organisations
  • the International Olympic Committee
  • a tribunal, committee, or other investigative body.

In some circumstances we are permitted to disclose your personal information without your consent, as set out under Part 8 of the Sport Integrity Australia Act. This may include disclosure to certain bodies and persons described in section 68B(3) of the Sport Integrity Australia Act and disclosure to reduce a threat to life or health, as set out in section 68C of the Sport Integrity Australia Act.

Further Information

Sport Integrity Australia’s Privacy Policy contains important information including:

  • how you can access and seek correction of personal information we hold about you
  • how to make a complaint if you have a concern or believe SIA may have breached an Australian Privacy Principle.

If you have any questions about this privacy collection notice, please contact us via:

Phone: 1300 027 232


Mail: PO Box 1744, Fyshwick, ACT, 2609