Our Child Safe Commitment

Sport Integrity Australia Child Safe Commitment

Sport Integrity Australia is committed to the safety and wellbeing of children. Sport Integrity Australia ensures all staff are aware of the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations and the Commonwealth Child Safe Framework to ensure child safety and wellbeing is acknowledged throughout our work at all levels of the agency.

Sport Integrity Australia supports the rights of children and has zero tolerance for child abuse and neglect in any form. Children have the right to a safe, positive, and enjoyable sporting environment, where they are respected and valued. 

Child safety and protection remains a priority for Sport Integrity Australia now and into the future.

The Child Safe Policy [PDF 464 KB] (Policy) has been developed to give effect to the Commonwealth Child Safe Framework, the Australian Government directive that sets minimum standards for creating and embedding a child safe culture in Commonwealth entities and establishes the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations. 

The Policy gives guidance on the processes and procedures that aim to ensure children’s safety and wellbeing across all areas of the agency’s work.


This Policy is based on the following guiding principles:

  • recognise children’s rights and interests
  • build and maintain a child safe culture and environment
  • zero tolerance of abuse or harm to children
  • use of a risk management approach to prevent abuse or harm to children
  • ensure staff are aware of and comply with relevant requirements.


The Commonwealth Child Safe Framework sets minimum standards for Commonwealth entities to create and maintain behaviours and practices that are safe for children. 

The Framework includes 4 key requirements, including the requirement to publish an annual statement of compliance with the framework including an overview of the entity’s child safe risk assessment. 

Sport Integrity Australia’s Statement of Compliance is available at the following link: 

Statement of Compliance with the Commonwealth Child Safe Framework [PDF 2.19 MB]


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