The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.


Public Interest Disclosure

The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 (Cth) (PID Act) commenced on 15 January 2014. The PID Act promotes the integrity and accountability of the Commonwealth public sector. It allows for reporting and investigation of suspected wrongdoing. The PID Act replaced the repealed whistleblowing provisions under the Public Service Act 1999 (Cth).

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    Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 (Cth)

    The PID Act is the legislative scheme for the reporting and investigation of allegations of serious wrongdoing in the Commonwealth public sector. It:

    • removes barriers so that people who work, or previously worked in the public sector, can speak up about serious problems that impact on public administration,
    • ensures that reports of wrongdoing are properly investigated and dealt with, and
    • provides protection to public officials who report allegations of wrongdoing under the PID Act.

    About public interest disclosure

    ‘Public interest disclosure’ means making a report about wrongdoing in the Commonwealth public sector. This may include conduct which you reasonably believe:

    • contravenes a law
    • is corrupt
    • perverts the course of justice
    • results in a wastage of public funds
    • is an abuse of public trust
    • unreasonably endangers health and safety or endangers the environment
    • is misconduct relating to scientific research, analysis or advice
    • is maladministration, including conduct that is unjust, oppressive or negligent.

    Disclosures are about matters where investigation and correction are in the public interest. This does not include disagreements with government policy, actions, or expenditure.

    Making a public interest disclosure

    Public interest disclosures can be made by a public official. This includes:

    • any person who is, or was, employed by the Australian Government
    • individuals employed by any Commonwealth companies, authorities and statutory agencies, the Parliamentary service, statutory officeholders
    • service providers under contract to the Commonwealth and anyone employed by them

    Public interest disclosures can be made orally or in writing:

    You can also report anonymously. However:

    • we cannot ensure you are protected from reprisal,
    • it can make further investigation difficult, and
    • it will be impossible to provide you with updates on the progress of the investigation.

    Our PID Officers

    Our Principal Officer is the Chief Executive Officer of Sport Integrity Australia.

    Our Authorised Officers are typically Senior Executive Service level staff members.

    Email: or ask to speak to an available PID officer by calling (02) 6222 4200.

    How you are protected under the PID Act

    If your disclosure is made in accordance with the PID Act, you:

    • are immune from civil, criminal or administrative liability,
    • will have your identity protected,
    • are protected from reprisals or threatened reprisals, including injury, dismissal or discrimination between you and other employees, and
    • can take action for reinstatement if your employment is terminated because of your disclosure.

    Information to give us when making a Public Interest Disclosure

    You should provide as much information as possible, including:

    • your name and contact details (you can remain anonymous)
    • the nature of the wrongdoing
    • who committed the wrongdoing
    • when and where the wrongdoing occurred
    • relevant background information and events
    • if anything has been done in response to the wrongdoing
    • contact details for anyone else who is aware of the wrongdoing and has allowed it to continue
    • whether you believe the information is a public interest disclosure under the PID Act, however it does not need to be described this way for it to be treated as a public interest disclosure
    • whether you are concerned about possible reprisal as a result of making a disclosure.

    More information

    For further information about the PID Act, please see the Commonwealth Ombudsman website