SIA’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) transparency statement

The Digital Transformation Agency's Policy for the responsible use of AI in government [PDF 587KB] sets out the Australian Government approach to embrace the opportunities of AI and provide for safe and responsible use of AI. Transparency is critical to building public trust and is an important aim of the policy and the broader APS Reform agenda.

The definition of Artifical Intelligence (AI) at Sport Integrity Australia (SIA) describes a family of technologies that can bring together computing power, scalability, networking, connected devices and interfaces, and data. 

AI systems can be programmed to perform specific tasks such as reasoning, planning, natural language processing, computer vision, audio processing, interaction, prediction and more. AI systems can operate with varying levels of autonomy.

Sport Integrity Australia is committed to identifying ethical, responsible and meaningful use when considering the adoption of AI capabilities. We will be transparent as we prepare, engage, adopt, monitor, review, evolve, integrate and pivot to changes in AI technology, to benefit staff and external stakeholders.

How SIA uses AI

At this time SIA has not authorised the use of AI in any way that members of the public may directly interact with, or be significantly impacted by, without a human intermediary or intervention.

SIA is testing the generative AI service Microsoft 365 Copilot. The usage of this service is ‘workplace productivity’ in the ‘corporate and enabling’ domain.

Workplace productivity

We see the potential benefits in using AI to improve workplace productivity for all staff including:

  • helping answer questions from staff regarding workplace policies and entitlements
  • improving accessibility to help all staff use platforms, applications and services
  • improving the uptake of features in existing products and services
  • summarising documents, emails and other content
  • performing transcription of interviews and meeting notes
  • preparing training material for new and existing staff
  • In the future SIA is considering trialling the adoption of AI as part of the Australian Government’s commitment to digital innovation “By 2030, the Australian Government will use data and digital technologies in innovative ways.” See the ‘Adopting emerging technologies’ section in the Data and Digital Government Strategy.

SIA has processes to ensure:

  • our AI use is appropriately governed
  • our engagement with AI is confident, safe and responsible
  • our stakeholders can have trust in our use of AI
  • our risks are identified and addressed
  • our AI access and usage is monitored


Currently, SIA does not use AI in any services or advice we provide externally (publicly) or internally. If we do implement any AI capability, we will update this statement to outline our use, with a summary of:

  • the intentions behind why SIA uses AI or is considering its adoption
  • classification of AI use according to required outcomes and AI system or tool
  • classification of use where the public may directly interact with, or be significantly impacted by, AI without a human intermediary or intervention
  • measures to monitor the effectiveness of deployed AI systems, such as governance or processes
  • compliance with applicable legislation and regulation
  • efforts to identify and protect the public against negative impacts
  • compliance with each requirement under the Policy for the responsible use of AI in government.



We will only utilise AI services in accordance with applicable legislation, regulations, frameworks and policies.

Policy for the responsible use of AI in government

We comply with all mandatory requirements of the policy.

Accountable official

The Deputy CEO was designated as the accountable official on 20 August 2024.

AI transparency statement

This AI transparency statement was first published to our website in January 2025. This statement will be reviewed annually, or when we make any significant change to our approach to AI as outlined above.

Contact us

If you have any enquiries about this statement, we can be reached via the details on contact us page of this website.


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