The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.


Athlete Whereabouts

As an athlete, you are an ambassador and role model. You have an important responsibility to protect the integrity of your sport. One way to do this is by providing whereabouts details.

About Athlete Whereabouts

The World Anti-Doping Code and the Sport Integrity Australia Regulations 2020 sets out our National Anti-Doping scheme.

Under this scheme, Australian athletes in our Registered Testing Pool must give us location (‘whereabouts’) details to help with no-advance notice out‑of-competition testing.

No-advance notice testing makes it harder for athletes to mask using a prohibited substance before sample collection. It makes it harder to time the use of a prohibited substance so that its presence is not detectable at the time of sample collection.

If you are an athlete, we need to know where you are so we can operate an effective no-advance notice out-of-competition testing program. Complying with whereabouts requirements is crucial. 

Three non‑compliances—filing failures or missed tests—within a 12-month period may constitute an anti-doping rule violation.

Helping you with your whereabouts

When you are a Registered Testing Pool athlete or an athlete's authorised representative (see Delegating Whereabouts section in resource page), we help you meet your obligations with these services:

  • Online access to the Anti-Doping Administration and Management System (ADAMS)
  • Phone and email support
  • Induction training
  • Reminder letters, calls, emails and text messages alerting you to quarterly whereabouts due dates
  • Updates to national sporting organisations on the compliance levels of Registered Testing Pool athletes in their sport

Need to provide whereabouts?

More information on whereabouts is available in the following sections of the website;