Tell us about a concern or issue

Sport should be a safe and fair place for all participants.

How and where you raise an integrity issue depends on many factors, such as what the conduct involves, the sport, and where you are located.

Reports can be handled by various organisations, most commonly it is your sport. However, Sport Integrity Australia, Law Enforcement, the Australian Human Rights Commission, and other bodies may be able to assist in resolving your issue.


On this page

    What information you can submit to Sport Integrity Australia

    We may be able to take action on information relating to matters of:

    • Doping in sport, or
    • Child safeguarding, vilification or discrimination in sport if the sport has implemented the National Integrity Framework


    Other matters should be reported to your National Sporting Organisation. See contacts to lodge a complaint with a sport here:
    Lodging a complaint with a sport


    If unsure where to report your matter, please contact Sport Integrity Australia for guidance. 

    Find information about what to report and the online reporting form, by clicking the relevant drop-down(s).


    Make an integrity complaint or report

    Make an integrity compliant or report about matters relating to doping, child safeguarding or discrimination in sport.



    How we manage submissions and case categorisation

    Sport Integrity Australia can respond to poor behaviour you’ve witnessed or experienced in sport.

    All information received is triaged and either managed by Sport Integrity Australia, referred on to an appropriate external agency, or passed back to the complainant, with suggested pathways for them to pursue.


    Make an integrity complaint or report

    Make an integrity compliant or report about matters relating to doping, child safeguarding or discrimination in sport.


    Your safety is our first concern

    If you are in Australia and in immediate danger or at risk of harm, call your local law enforcement agency or dial: 000