Make an integrity complaint or report

Sport Integrity Australia is committed to ensuring Australian sport is fair and safe for all involved.

Please contact your local law enforcement agency or dial 000 if there is an immediate threat to an individual’s safety.

For matters relating to a child being at risk of harm, you may also wish to report your concerns to your local child protection agency. We cannot assist in emergency situations.

If you need mental health or wellbeing support, you can contact a support service provider:

You may also be eligible to receive support from the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) Mental Health Referral Network

Sport Integrity Australia can receive information that relates to Doping, Child Safeguarding or Discrimination in sport. This includes through the Confidential Reporting Scheme, where you can submit information anonymously to Sport Integrity Australia.

From the drop down below:

  • If you have any information about a doping activity, select ‘Doping Matter’.
  • If you have information about alleged Discrimination or breaches of the Child Safeguarding Policy, select ‘Another Integrity Matter’.

Please select what your matter relates to. If you are unsure if your matter falls within Sport Integrity Australia’s remit, please select ‘Another Integrity Matter’ to read further information about options that may be available to you to manage your concerns.

How are complaints managed?

The Complaints Process is a formal process in which Sport Integrity Australia handles specific alleged breaches of the National Integrity Framework. This process involves evaluating a matter to determine if it is within Sport Integrity Australia’s scope to progress further. The process could then include conducting education sessions or running an investigation which may result in the sport placing a sanction on a person if they are found to have breached the policy.

To be eligible to submit a Complaint:

  • Your sport must have adopted the National Integrity Framework. You can find out if your sport has adopted the National Integrity Framework here .
  • The alleged Prohibited Conduct must have occurred after your sport’s adoption of the National Integrity Framework
  • Your matter must relate to the Child Safeguarding Policy or Discrimination
  • You must be the alleged affected party (or a parent/guardian of the alleged affected party)
  • The person accused of the wrongdoing must be bound by the sport’s policies, and
  • You must be willing to provide your contact details. Complaints cannot be submitted anonymously.

Please note, the National Integrity Framework does not override a law of the Commonwealth, state or territory, which take precedence and must be complied with in the first instance.

Before you submit a Complaint, you may wish to consider if there are other avenues available to you, such as through the Australian Human Rights Commission. Please see our website resources for more information about other Complaint pathways.

If you are unsure if your concerns can be managed by Sport Integrity Australia, you can submit a Report and we will provide advice to you on appropriate options.


When you select a sport from the list below, the form will indicate if your sport is operating under the National Integrity Framework and from what date. Based on this result, the form will provide you with your submission options – a Formal Complaint or Report.

If your sport is operating under the National Integrity Framework, you can submit a Complaint or Report about alleged Discrimination or breaches of the Chid Safeguarding Policy (Prohibited Conduct).

Please submit multiple Complaints if you wish to report separate instances of alleged Prohibited Conduct by different people.

If your sport is not operating under the National Integrity Framework, where the alleged conduct does not relate to Prohibited Conduct or occurred before the sport’s commencement date of the Framework, you should submit your Complaint to your sporting organisation.

You can review the resources on our website to consider other resolution pathways that may be available to you. If you are still unsure how to best address your concerns, you can submit a Report or contact SIA on 1300 027 232 and we will provide advice to you on appropriate options.

Sport Integrity Australia cannot intervene in Complaint processes that are already in progress, nor can we provide legal advice on specific matters.

Please note - anything in the forms highlighted in red is a mandatory field and must be completed before the form can be submitted.

All information included in this form is transmitted via secure networks and processes. Our legislation ensures that all information, including any personal details you may wish to provide, is treated as confidential and managed in accordance with strict privacy principles.

If you need assistance in understanding how to complete this form, please call 1300 027 232 and select the appropriate option.

Relevant Sport
You can scroll through the list or
start typing the first word in the
name of the sport.

Sport Integrity Australia is not authorised to manage Complaints before the sport commenced operating under the National Integrity Framework. Please submit your Complaint to the sport and attempt to resolve the matter through the sport’s processes. Refer to the sport’s website for further information and instructions.

Sport Integrity Australia is only authorised to manage Complaints about alleged Discrimination or an alleged breach of the Child Safeguarding Policy. Complaints about alleged breaches of other National Integrity Framework Policies are managed by the sport. You need to submit your Complaint to the sport and attempt to resolve the matter through the sport’s processes. Refer to the sport’s website for further information and instructions.

To be eligible to submit a Complaint with Sport Integrity Australia, the alleged Prohibited Conduct must have occurred to you (or the person you are acting on behalf of, if applicable). Therefore, you cannot submit a Complaint about this matter, but you can submit a Report about alleged Prohibited Conduct.

A Formal Complaint will begin a Complaints Process and cannot be submitted anonymously. Reports can be submitted anonymously. It is unlikely a matter can progress through a Complaints Process without Sport Integrity Australia knowing the identity of the person the alleged conduct happened to. For procedural fairness, the Respondent (person accused of the wrongdoing) will be told about the allegation and be given an opportunity to respond to the allegation. If you have questions about the process, please call 1300 027 232.

About You (The Complainant)
Your Gender
Is English your first language?

Please specify the years you were involved in the sport
Leave "End year" blank if you were only involved for a single year

Your role/position in the sport
(if applicable)
Select the role that was relevant for you at the time of the alleged conduct. You can choose more than one.
Acting on behalf of another person?

As a parent/ guardian, you can submit a Complaint about conduct that happened to your child as the person who is directly concerned about what happened – you would be the Complainant, and your child may be asked to provide information as a Witness.
If your child wants to make the Complaint, you can submit the Complaint on behalf of your child. If your child is under the age of 18, no formal authority form is required for you to act on their behalf.  If your child is over the age of 18, wants to be the Complainant, but wants you (or another appropriate adult) to act on their behalf, they will need to complete the form to transfer you the authority to act on their behalf

Please provide the following details about this person. Please be aware, if you are not the legal guardian (for example the parent of a person under 18) or legal representative for this person, we will likely need to contact this person to seek their approval for you to act on their behalf. To assist in this process, please ask them to complete the Authority for Another Person to Act on My Behalf form and attach it to the online form or send it to the email or PO Box address on the form.

A Vulnerable Person is a minor (under 18); or over 18 and unable to take care of themselves
or unable to protect themselves against harm or exploitation by reason of age, illness, trauma
or disability, or other.
Their Gender
Their state
Is English their first language?

Please specify the years you were involved in the sport
Leave "End year" blank if you were only involved for a single year

Their role/position in the sport
(if applicable)
Select the role that was relevant for them at the time of the alleged conduct. You can choose more than one.
Which person or organisation is the complaint about? (The Respondent – the person who allegedly engaged in the Prohibited Conduct)
If unknown, please provide any names they are known by
or enter ‘Unknown’.
Individual Respondent’s role or position
Select the role that was relevant for them at the time of the alleged conduct. You can choose more than one.

Alleged Prohibited Conduct by the Respondent

Please just select the Prohibited Conduct which is most relevant to the conduct of the Respondent.
You can choose more than one.
See Definitions of Prohibited Conduct.
Alleged Prohibited Conduct by the Respondent-Discrimination
Alleged Prohibited Conduct by the Respondent-Prohibited Conduct under the Child Safeguarding Policy
Alleged Prohibited Conduct by the Respondent

Please just select the Prohibited Conduct which is most relevant to the conduct of the Respondent.
You can choose more than one.
See Definitions of Prohibited Conduct.

Prohibited Conduct can be carried out by more than one person.
This form can only hold information for up to 10 Respondents. If you have more Respondents, we ask that you submit another form for the other Respondents
Re-order Full name of person or organisation (Respondent) Respondent’s relationship to you Individual Respondent’s role or position Discrimination Prohibited Conduct under the Child Safeguarding Policy Weight Operations
If unknown, please provide any names they are known by or enter ‘Unknown’
Enter all that apply above:
  • Administrator (volunteer)
  • Board/Committee member
  • Parent
  • Athlete/player
  • Spectator
  • Coach/Assistant Coach
  • Support personnel
  • Employee (paid)
  • Official
Enter all that apply above, if applicable:
  • Age
  • Disability
  • Race or Ethnicity
  • Religion
  • Sex
  • Other
Either enter “Yes” above to indicate alleged Prohibited Conduct under this policy applies(but you aren’t sure of the exact one), or enter the specific Prohibited Conduct that applies from the list below, if applicable:
  • Convicted of breaking a Child Abuse or Grooming law of a relevant State, Territory or Commonwealth
  • Misconduct with a child
  • Request to keep communication secret
  • Supplying alcohol, drugs or medicines
  • Failing to comply with child safe practices and recruitment and screening requirements
  • Committing any act that would constitute Prohibited Conduct under the Member Protection Policy
more items
Please provide relevant date/s, or date range/s (at a minimum provide the year/s).
(e.g. XYZ Sports Club, 1 Smith Street, Perth, WA)

Provide as much information as possible, including details about who was involved, what happened and/or how you found out about the alleged Prohibited Conduct.
If you included the details of more than one Respondent and/or person the Prohibited Conduct happened to above, ensure you include names when you explain how each Respondent was involved and what happened to each person.

Attach any documents or images you would like to include to support your report.
Maximum 5 files.
25 MB total limit (each image/document cannot exceed 5MB)
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, doc, docx.
Did anyone else witness the alleged conduct?

We may seek witness details during the process.

What outcome are you hoping from submitting a Formal Complaint against the Respondent?
For example, to a sporting body at any level including a national sporting organisation, a law enforcement agency, or an anti-discrimination or equal opportunity agency?
 For example, legal or player’s association representation.
Re-order Name Phone number Email address Weight Operations
more items

I hereby declare that the information I have provided in this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

I understand that knowingly providing false or misleading information to Sport Integrity Australia may be an offence under the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth).

I acknowledge that by submitting this form, the information I have provided, including my personal information, may be used and disclosed by Sport Integrity Australia as outlined in the Privacy Collection Notice. If my Complaint is evaluated as being in-scope, this may include disclosure to the Respondent/s identified in my Complaint so that they can respond. 

I acknowledge that I can consent, or not consent, to the use and disclosure of my personal information below.

If you are involved in a Sport Integrity Australia investigation into a Complaint under your sport’s Complaints, Disputes and Discipline Policy, regardless of whether this is as a Respondent, a Complainant, a Witness, or a parent/guardian or support person to another person involved in the process, you will be required to keep information about the investigation confidential for the duration of the Complaint handling process, in order to ensure that the Complaints process is not compromised. This may be until the investigation is finalised, or, if a finding is made against the Respondent, may continue to the conclusion of any Appeal Tribunal.
This means that you must not discuss information about the investigation process with anyone not directly involved, including media or other people involved in the sport who are not involved in the Complaint. This does not mean that you are not able to speak on a confidential basis to an integrity officer in your sport, which may include the National Integrity Manager or Member Protection Information Officer, a legal or other professional adviser, or (if you are a Complainant or a Respondent) a person who may be able to give evidence as a Witness to the investigation to confirm whether they consent to you providing their details to Sport Integrity Australia.
You may be required to continue to keep certain information confidential after the investigation has been finalised where you have been given access to personal information or sensitive information of another person as part of the Complaints process.
About You (The Reporter)
We may contact you for further information.
Your Gender
Is English your first language?

Please specify the years you were involved in the sport
Leave "End year" blank if you were only involved for a single year

Your role/position in the sport
(if applicable)
Select the role that was relevant for you at the time of the alleged conduct. You can choose more than one.
Acting on behalf of another person

For example, on behalf of your child or someone under your care;
or a friend has asked you to submit a report.

Please provide the following details about this person. Please be aware, if you are not the legal guardian (for example the parent of a person under 18) or legal representative for this person, we may need to contact this person to seek their approval for you to act on their behalf. To assist in this process, please ask them to complete the Authority for Another Person to Act on My Behalf form and attach it to the online form or send it to the email or PO Box address on the form.

A Vulnerable Person is: a minor (under 18); or over 18 and unable to take care of themselves
or unable to protect themselves against harm or exploitation by reason of age, illness, trauma
or disability, or other.
Their Gender
Is English their first language?
The person’s role/position in the sport
(if applicable)
Select the role that was relevant for them at the time of the alleged conduct. You can choose more than one.
Details of the person whom the alleged Prohibited Conduct happened to (if applicable)

Please provide the following details about the person/s the alleged Prohibited Conduct happened to. We may seek to contact them for more information about the alleged Prohibited Conduct.

If unknown, please provide any names they are
known by or enter ‘Unknown’

A Vulnerable Person is a minor (under 18); or over 18 and unable to take care of themselves
or unable to protect themselves against harm or exploitation by reason of age, illness, trauma
or disability, or other.
Their Gender
Is English their first language?
Person’s role/position in the sport
(if applicable)
Select the role that was relevant for them at the time of the alleged conduct. You can choose more than one.
This form can only hold information for up to 10 individuals. If you need to add more people, we ask that you submit another form.
Re-order Full name Date of Birth Preferred contact number Email address Is the person who the alleged Prohibited Conduct happened to a Vulnerable Person? Person’s relationship to you Person’s role/position in sport (if applicable) Is this person aware you are reporting this matter to Sport Integrity Australia? Weight Operations
If unknown, please provide any names they are known by or enter ‘Unknown’
Person’s role/position in sport (if applicable)
more items
Which person or organisation is the report about? (The person who allegedly engaged in the unacceptable or Prohibited Conduct)
If unknown, please provide any names they are
known by or enter ‘Unknown’
Person’s role or position
Select the role that was relevant for them at the time of the alleged conduct. You can choose more than one.
(if known)

Alleged Prohibited Conduct by the person

Please just select the Prohibited Conduct which is most relevant to the conduct of the person. You can choose more than one.
See Definitions of Prohibited Conduct
Alleged Prohibited Conduct by the Respondent-Discrimination
Alleged Prohibited Conduct by the Respondent-Prohibited Conduct under the Child Safeguarding Policy
Alleged Prohibited Conduct by the person – Other Conduct
Prohibited Conduct can be carried out by more than one person.
This form can only hold information for up to 10 people. If you have more people, we ask that you submit another form for the other people.
Re-order Full name of person or organisation Person’s relationship to you Person’s role or position Discrimination Prohibited Conduct under the Child Safeguarding Policy Other Conduct Weight Operations
If unknown, please provide any names they are known by or enter ‘Unknown’
Enter all that apply above:
  • Administrator (volunteer)
  • Board/Committee member
  • Parent
  • Athlete/player
  • Spectator
  • Coach/Assistant Coach
  • Support personnel
  • Employee (paid)
  • Official
Enter all that apply above, if applicable:
  • Age
  • Disability
  • Race or Ethnicity
  • Religion
  • Sex
  • Other
Either enter “Yes” above to indicate alleged Prohibited Conduct under this policy applies (but you aren’t sure of the exact one), or enter the specific Prohibited Conduct that applies from the list below, if applicable:
  • Convicted of breaking a Child Abuse or Grooming law of a relevant State, Territory or Commonwealth
  • Misconduct with a child
  • Request to keep communication secret
  • Supplying alcohol, drugs or medicines
  • Failing to comply with child safe practices and recruitment and screening requirements
  • Committing any act that would constitute Prohibited Conduct under the Member Protection Policy
Add the details above of any other alleged Prohibited Conduct that applies.
more items
Please provide relevant date/s, or date range/s
(at a minimum provide the year/s).
(e.g. XYZ Sports Club, 1 Smith Street, Perth, WA)
Provide as much information as possible, including details about who was involved, what happened and/or how you found out about the alleged Prohibited Conduct.
If you included the details of more than one person and/or person the Prohibited Conduct happened to above, ensure you include names when you explain how each person was involved and what happened to each person.
Attach any documents or images you would like to include to support your report.
Maximum 5 files.
25 MB total limit (each image/document cannot exceed 5MB)
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, doc, docx.
Did anyone else witness the alleged conduct?
Re-order Name Phone number Email address Weight Operations
more items
For example, to a sporting body at any level including a national sporting organisation, a law enforcement agency, or an anti-discrimination or equal opportunity agency?


I hereby declare that the information I have provided in this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

I understand that knowingly providing false or misleading information to Sport Integrity Australia may be an offence under the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) .

I acknowledge that by submitting this form, the information I have provided, including my personal information, may be used and disclosed by Sport Integrity Australia as outlined in the Privacy Collection Notice.

I acknowledge that I can consent, or not consent, to the use and disclosure of my personal information below.

I acknowledge that this Report may not be managed through a Sport Integrity Australia Complaint handling process and as a result, there may not be any follow-up from Sport Integrity Australia in relation to my Report.


You can help protect the integrity of Australian sport by reporting doping activities, including but not limited to:

  • the use, or attempted use of performance and image enhancing drugs (PIED) by athletes or sporting teams
  • any attempts to evade, or tamper with the anti-doping testing process
  • the possession or supply of PIEDs to athletes or sporting teams
  • the facilitation of doping, or related activities by athletes or support personnel.

All information is important and the more detail you provide about the incident the better. Sport Integrity Australia strongly encourages you to include as much relevant information as you can, as this will help determine the most appropriate course of action.

We encourage you to provide your details with your information as this strengthens Sport Integrity Australia’s ability to action the information. Whilst you may remain anonymous, consider providing an option for Sport Integrity Australia to contact you in the event we need to obtain further information. This could be a phone number, or you could provide a newly created email address which contains no identifiable details.
All information included in the form below is transmitted via secure networks and processes. Our legislation ensures that all information, including any personal details you may wish to provide, is treated as confidential and managed in accordance with strict privacy principles.

Please note that Sport Integrity Australia cannot intervene in legal proceedings or investigations that are already in progress, nor can we provide legal advice on specific matters.

If you need assistance in understanding how to complete this form, please call 1300 027 232 and select the appropriate option.

You can scroll through the list or start typing
the first word in the name of the sport.
Which person or organisation is the report about?
If unknown, please provide any names they are
known by or enter ‘Unknown’
Person’s role or position
You can choose more than one.
(if known)
This form can only hold information for up to 10 people. If you have more people, we ask that you submit another form for the other people.
Re-order Full name of person or organisation Person’s relationship to you Person’s role or position Weight Operations
If unknown, please provide any names they are known by or enter ‘Unknown’
Enter all that apply above:
  • Administrator (volunteer)
  • Athlete/player
  • Board/Committee member
  • Coach/Assistant Coach
  • Employee (paid)
  • Official
  • Support personnel
more items
Please provide relevant date/s, or date
range (at a minimum provide the year/s).
(e.g. XYZ Sports Club, 1 Smith Street, Perth, WA)
Provide as much information as possible, including details about who was involved, describe what happened and/or how you found out about the alleged conduct.
If you included the details of more than one person involved in the alleged conduct above, ensure you include names when detailing in your description of what happened.
Attach any documents or images you would like to include to support your report.
Maximum 5 files.
25 MB total limit (each image/document cannot exceed 5MB)
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, doc, docx.
Did anyone else witness the alleged conduct?
Re-order Name Phone number Email address Weight Operations
more items
For example, to a sporting body at any level including a national sporting organisation, a law enforcement agency, or an anti-discrimination or equal opportunity agency?
About You (The Reporter)

This section is optional. If you provide contact details, we may contact you for further information.

Your Gender
Is English your first language?

Please specify the years you were involved in the sport
Leave "End year" blank if you were only involved for a single year

Your role/position in the sport
(if applicable)
You can choose more than one.
Acting on behalf of another person
For example, on behalf of your child or someone under your care;
or a friend has asked you to submit a report.

Please provide the following details about this person. Please be aware, if you are not the legal guardian (for example the parent of a person under 18) or legal representative for this person, we may need to contact this person to seek their approval for you to act on their behalf. To assist in this process, please ask them to complete the Authority for Another Person to Act on My Behalf form and attach it to the online form or send it to the email or PO Box address on the form.

A Vulnerable Person is a minor (under 18); or over 18 and unable to take care of themselves
or unable to protect themselves against harm or exploitation by reason of age, illness, trauma 
or disability, or other.
Their Gender
Is English their first language?
Person’s role/position in the sport
(if applicable)
You can choose more than one.
I hereby declare that the information I have provided in this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

I understand that knowingly providing false or misleading information to Sport Integrity Australia may be an offence under the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth).

I acknowledge that by submitting this form, the information I have provided, including my personal information, may be used and disclosed by Sport Integrity Australia as outlined in the Privacy Collection Notice

I acknowledge that I can consent, or not consent, to the use and disclosure of my personal information below.
Submit your report
By submitting this form, you are effectively signing this document and giving consent to an assessment of the report.
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.

NIF Check

Aerobatics - Air Sport Australia Confederation
Aeromodelling - Air Sport Australia Confederation
Aiki jujitsu - Australian Jujitsu Federation
Aikido - Australian Jujitsu Federation
Air Rifle / Small Bore - Target Rifle Australia
Aircraft Sport - Air Sport Australia Confederation
American Football Australia
Apnoea - Australian Underwater Federation
Archery - Archery Australia
Artistic Swimming - Artistic Swimming Australia
Athletics - Athletics Australia
Badminton - Badminton Australia
Ballooning - Air Sport Australia Confederation
Baseball - Baseball Australia
Beach Volleyball - Volleyball Australia
Biathlon - Biathlon Australia
Billiards - Australian Billiards & Snooker Council
Blind Sports - Blind Sports Australia
BMX - AusCycling
Bobsleigh - Bobsleigh and Skeleton Australia Ltd (formerly Sliding sports Australia)
Bocce - Bocce Australia
Boccia - Boccia Australia
Bowls - Bowls Australia
Boxing - Boxing Australia
Boxing - CombatAus
Brazilian jiu jitsu - Australian Jujitsu Federation
Calisthenics - Australian Calisthenics Federation
Campdraft - National Campdraft Council of Australia
Croquet - Croquet Australia
Curling - Australia
Cycling - AusCycling
DanceSport - DanceSport Australia
Darts - Darts Australia
Deaf Sports - Deaf Sports Australia
Disability Sports - Australian Sporting Alliance For People With A Disability
Disability Sports - Disability Sports Australia
Disabled Wintersport - Disabled Wintersport Australia
Disc Golf - Australian Flying Disc Association
Diving - Diving Australia
Dodgeball - Dodgeball Australia
Dragon Boat - Australian Dragon Boat Federation
Eight Ball - Australian Eight Ball Federation
Equestrian - Equestrian Australia
Fencing - Australian Fencing Federation
Finswimming - Australian Underwater Federation
Floorball - Floorball Australia
Flying Disc/Ultimate - Australian Flying Disc Association
Gaelic Football - Gaelic Football & Hurling Association of Australasia
Gateball - Croquet Australia
Gliding - Air Sport Australia Confederation
Goalball - Blind Sports Australia
Goalball - Paralympics Australia
Golf - Golf Australia
Gymnastics - Gymnastics Australia
Handball - Handball Australia
Hang Gliding - Air Sport Australia Confederation
Hapkido - Australian Jujitsu Federation
Hockey - Hockey Australia
Hurling - Gaelic Football & Hurling Association of Australasia
Iaido - Australian Kendo Renmei
Ice Hockey - Ice Hockey Australia
Ice Skating - Ice Skating Australia
Ice Speed Skating - Australian Ice Racing
Intellectual Impairment Sports - Special Olympics Australia
Intellectual Impairment Sports - Sport Inclusion Australia
Jodo - Australian Kendo Renmei
Judo - CombatAus
Judo - Judo Australia
Jujitsu - Australian Jujitsu Federation
Jujutsu - Australian Jujitsu Federation
Karate - Australian Karate Federation
Kendo - Australian Kendo Renmei
Kenpo jujitsu - Australian Jujitsu Federation
Kick Boxing - WAKO Australia
Kiteboarding - Kiteboarding Australia
Kung Fu - Wushu - Kung Fu Wushu Australia
Lacrosse - Lacrosse Australia
Modern Pentathlon - Modern Pentathlon Australia
Motor Sport - Motorsport Australia
Motorcycling - Motorcycling Australia
Mountain Bike - AusCycling
Mountain Bike Orienteering - Orienteering Australia
Muay Thai - Muay Thai Australia
Olympic Winter Institute of Australia
Orienteering - Orienteering Australia
Outrigger Canoeing - Australian Outrigger Canoe Racing Association
Paddle Australia - Canoeing
Para Swimming - Swimming Australia
Parachuting - Air Sport Australia Confederation
Paralympics - Paralympics Australia
ParaVolley - Volleyball Australia
Petanque - Petanque Federation Australia
Pistol Shooting - Pistol Australia
Polo - Australian Polo Federation
Polocrosse - Polocrosse Association of Australia
Pony Clubs - Pony Club Australia
Riding for the Disabled - Riding for the Disabled Association of Australia
Roller Sports - Skate Australia
Rowing - Rowing Australia
Sailing / Yachting - Australian Sailing
SCUBA Diving - Australian Underwater Federation
Shooting - Shooting Australia
Skate - Skate Australia
Skeleton - Bobsleigh and Skeleton Australia Ltd (formerly Sliding sports Australia)
Ski - Snow Australia
Skipping - Skipping Australia
Snooker - Australian Billiards & Snooker Council
Snowboard - Snow Australia
Softball - Softball Australia
Spearfishing - Australian Underwater Federation
Sport Climbing - Sport Climbing Australia
Sport Jujitsu - Australian Jujitsu Federation
Squash - Squash Australia
Surfing - Surfing Australia
Swimming - Swimming Australia
Synchronised Swimming - Artistic Swimming Australia
Table Tennis - Table Tennis Australia
Taekwondo - Australian Taekwondo
Taekwondo - CombatAus
Target Rifle Australia
Target Rifle/Fullbore Shooting - National Rifle Association of Australia
Tenpin Bowling - Tenpin Bowling Australia
Touch - Touch Football Australia
Transplant - Transplant Australia
Triathlon - Triathlon Australia
Underwater Hockey - Australian Underwater Federation
Underwater Rugby - Australian Underwater Federation
University Sport - UniSport Australia
Volleyball - Volleyball Australia
Wakeboard - Waterski & Wakeboard Australia
Water Polo - Water Polo Australia
Water Skiing - Waterski & Wakeboard Australia
Weightlifting - Australian Weightlifting Federation
Western Australian Institute of Sport (WAIS)
Wheelchair Rugby - Paralympics Australia
Wheelchair Rugby - Wheelchair Rugby Australia
Wrestling - Wrestling Australia