Tell us where you are (whereabouts)

Athletes who are part of the Registered Testing Pool need to tell us where they are going to be, at specific times, so we can perform no-advance notice testing.


Whereabouts on ADAMS

Registered Testing Pool (RTP) athletes are required to provide their whereabouts information on the World Anti-Doping Agency’s Anti-Doping Administration Management System (ADAMS).


Submit your whereabouts online via ADAMS


For the athletes who are unfamiliar with ADAMS we have put together some ADAMS hints and tips to help athletes through the process of updating their whereabouts information.


ADAMS Athlete Central app

As part of ongoing efforts to support athletes and doping-free sport, a free ADAMS Athlete Central app is available from Google Play and the Apple App Store.

Using your phone, you can submit quarterly whereabouts information, as well as enter, check and change whereabouts details. 

Using mobile notifications, the app also helps you remember your obligations to submit whereabouts. It will give you advice about the relevant deadlines.

Download the free ADAMS Athlete Central app


Apple App Store logo

Google Play app store logo


Accessing ADAMS on internet browsers

You can access ADAMS online using Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.

You cannot access ADAMS online using Google Chrome or Safari.

Whereabouts due dates

Filing deadline Whereabouts period
15 December Q1: 1 January – 31 March
15 March Q2: 1 April – 30 June
15 June Q3: 1 July – 30 September
15 September Q4: 1 October – 31 December


NOTE: The cut off time for whereabouts filing on each due date is 23:59 AEST/AEDT.


Filing whereabouts

If you are in the RTP, you must specify one hour every day, between 5 am and 11 pm, when you will be available for testing. You must tell us where you will be for this hour and make sure you are at the specified place.


You must also tell us your regular schedule, including:

  • Address and contact details
  • If you have a disability that may affect testing
  • Location details for your overnight address for each day in the quarter
  • Location details for where you will be training, working or doing any other regular activity for each day in the quarter
  • The usual times that these activities would take place
  • Location details for any competitions you are competing in


Failure to be available for testing

If you are not able to be at your specified location at the nominated time, you must let us know as soon as possible.

Failure to be available for testing at your nominated time at your nominated location at the nominated time is a missed a test. 

A missed test may lead to an anti-doping rule violation and sanction.


Updating whereabouts information

We understand it is hard for anyone to know where they will be three months in advance. Which is why it’s crucial you update your whereabouts information any time before your nominated hour each day.

Use one of these methods:


False information in whereabouts filings

Knowingly providing us with false information in a whereabouts filing may lead to an anti-doping rule violation and sanction.


Registered Testing Pool

Any athlete in the RTP will need to provide whereabouts information.

You will be informed in writing and given an outline on how to provide whereabouts information.

We recommended you read the following:


Find out more about the Registered Testing Pool


Professional team-sport athletes

Your club or national sporting organisation provides us with team training schedules. This means you don’t have to provide whereabouts information unless you are added to the RTP as an individual athlete.


Athletes with intellectual disabilities

If you are, or know an athlete with intellectual disabilities and you are included in the Registered Testing Pool, we will make sure that one of the following people is also informed:

  • Spouse
  • Parent or guardian
  • Coach
  • Representative of a relevant sporting administration


Sporting organisations

National Sporting Organisations must give us the personal and contact details of athletes from their sport who are part of the Registered Testing Pool.


Delegating whereabouts

As an athlete, you are ultimately responsible for making sure your whereabouts information is accurate. You can, however, nominate a trusted person or an authorised representative to submit and manage your whereabouts information for you.

However, you are still ultimately responsible for making sure your whereabouts submissions are accurate, and you are at the specified location at the nominated time.

Authorised Representative form [PDF]



You must immediately notify your national sporting organisation in writing if you decide to retire. It is the responsibility of the national sporting organisation to notify us.

If you are on the Registered Testing Pool when you want to retire from competition, complete our Retirement Notification form and submit it to us.

Retirement Notification form [PDF 161 KB]


Selection for testing after submitting a retirement notification

You must continue to complete sample collections until we have received your form, or we have been notified by your national sporting organisation.

If you fail to comply with the request to provide a sample, you may incur an anti-doping rule violation.


Athletes on an International Federation's Registered Testing Pool

If you are on an International Federation’s RTP you will also need to comply with that federation’s retirement requirements. (Contact that federation directly for more information).


Retiring while sanctioned

If you retire whilst serving a sanction for an anti-doping rule violation, the clock stops on your sanction.

If you then wish to be reinstated, you will need to do the following:

  • Complete either the remaining sanction period or the reinstatement period, whichever is longer
  • Be available for out-of-competition testing


Retired athletes returning to competition

Make sure you follow the reinstatement procedures as set out in your national sporting organisation and International Federation’s anti-doping policy.

If you previously completed a retirement form, you will need to complete a Reinstatement Request form, to confirm your return to the sport.

Reinstatement Request form [PDF 116 KB]


Waiting for reinstatement

There may be a period from the reinstatement date until when you are able to compete in any competition. Your National Sporting Organisation (NSO) will advise the timeframes.

Each NSO reinstatement procedure specifies a timeframe (usually 6 months) during which you are unable to compete after your request for reinstatement. 

During this time, you must be available for out-of-competition doping control and you may also be required to provide athlete whereabouts information (in accordance with the NSO's anti-doping policy).

If you are in an International Federation RTP you will need to comply with their reinstatement requirements.


Related whereabouts information