The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.


National Integrity Framework

For a safe, fair and healthy sporting environment

Australia is breaking new ground with a world-first process to deal with integrity issues in sport.

The National Integrity Framework is essentially a set of rules that all members of a sport need to follow when it comes to their behaviour and conduct in sport.

On this page

    Why was the Framework needed?

    Since the commissioning of The Report of the Review of Australia’s Sports Integrity Arrangements (Wood Review) presented to the Australian Government in March 2018 and development of the Safeguarding the Integrity of Sport—the Government Response to the Wood Review released in February 2019, the national sporting landscape has changed significantly.

    The Wood Review recommendation of a national coordination body (Sport Integrity Australia) remains central to managing threats to the integrity of sport in Australia.

    Following the release in 2020 of the Athlete A documentary regarding alleged sexual abuse of young female gymnasts in the United States, the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) undertook an independent review of gymnastics in Australia.

    Among its recommendations, the AHRC urged that all matters regarding child abuse and neglect, misconduct, bullying, sexual harassment and assault be investigated independently and externally of the sport.

    As a result, the Australian Olympic Committee, Paralympics Australia and Commonwealth Games Australia worked with us to introduce independent complaint handling arrangements for sport integrity matters under the National Integrity Framework.

    Sport recognised the need for a National Integrity Framework, too. The fact that so many recognised national sporting organisations and National Sporting Organisations for people with Disability have signed up to the Framework since it was rolled out in 2021 is testament to their commitment to addressing issues of integrity in sport.

    Australia now has a consistent set of policies across all sport. For the first time we have national standards regardless of which sport an athlete participates in. Together, we have drawn a line at the behaviours that have no place in sport.


    Reviewing the Framework

    A review of the Framework and its policies was carried out over 2022 and 2023 and involved consultations with sports and consideration of our own work in the process.

    The next framework review is planned for 2025.


    Policy templates

    The National Integrity Framework policy templates have been developed by Sport Integrity Australia in consultation with sport sector partners as a best practice and consistent approach to protecting sport against integrity threats. Sport Integrity Australia works closely with National Sporting Organisations (NSO) and National Sporting Organisations for People with Disability (NSOD), recognised by the Australian Sports Commission (ASC), to implement and embed the Framework in their sports.

    Only ASC recognised NSOs/NSODs and approved other organisations can adopt the Framework in its entirety and access Sport Integrity Australia’s independent complaint handling service for matters relating to Safeguarding Children/Young People and Discrimination on the basis of a Protected Characteristic.

    We are aware that a number of other organisations are interested in adopting best practice integrity policies. We understand that every organisation is different and may need flexibility with a policy to suit their specific needs. As such, Sport Integrity Australia is currently developing a suite of best practice policy templates based on the National Integrity Framework, that will be suitable for other organisations to utilise and adapt to suit their requirements and operating environments, noting access to Sport Integrity Australia’s independent complaints handling service will not be included.

    Organisations that are interested in utilising components of these best practice integrity policy templates can email: to discuss and seek further guidance.


    Sports signed up to the Framework

    Sports who adopt the Framework are taking a great step towards building a national system working to keep sport clean, fair and safe for all.

    More than 80 recognised National Sporting Organisations and National Sporting Organisations for People with Disability have adopted the Framework and its policies. See the full list of sports signed up to the framework.


    Integrity Resources

    The National Integrity Framework is a set of rules that all members of a sport need to follow when it comes to their behaviour and conduct in sport.

    Check the National Integrity Framework section of our resources page for resources to help inform athletes and sports about the Framework. As well as guides to assist sports manage matters outside of our statutory functions.


    Making a complaint or report

    For those who wish to report, make a complaint or tell us about a concern or issue, find out what you can report to Sport Integrity Australia.