The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.


Sport Integrity Australia’s Independent Complaints process for Hockey Australia to commence

  • Media statements

This process was closed off on 5 March 2021 - links to the information page and complaint form referred to below are no longer available.

As identified late last year, Sport Integrity Australia is managing an independent complaint handling process in relation to specific allegations arising from the Hockey Australia Women's High-Performance Program.

People will be able to make complaints up until Friday, 5 March 2021. 

Anyone wishing to make a complaint will be able to do so via an online form available on the Sport Integrity Australia website. Further information about this process, including who is eligible to make a complaint and how complaints will be managed is available here.

Sport Integrity Australia will assess complaints under Hockey Australia’s Member Protection Policy [PDF] and will identify the most appropriate mechanism for resolution.

This may include further investigation by Sport Integrity Australia and/or independent dispute resolution facilitated by the National Sports Tribunal.

This process is being handled separately from the broader cultural and governance review being carried out by Bruce Collins QC, Gabrielle Trainor AO and Moya Dodd.

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