Integrity Education Webinar Series

We want to protect athletes, prevent doping and maintain the integrity of Australian sport. To do this, we need to educate people. 

Sport Integrity Australia's education team provides resources for all levels of athletes, their parents, teachers, coaches and support personnel. This includes webinars on specific topics to inform and educate sporting organisations, members, administrators and athletes.

All webinars are free, accessible online and delivered by subject matter experts via Microsoft Teams. 

On this page


    Upcoming webinars

    Our 2025 webinar events calendar will be announced in the new year on this web page and also on our social media channels. 

    To catch up on previous webinars we have hosted, check the previous webinars section on this page. 


    Previous webinars

    Watch integrity education webinars we've previously hosted. Webinar videos are added after each event.