The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.


Information and advice in response to the COVID-19 pandemic


This is a time of uncertainty for all athletes. We have a list of resources that may help you find the information you need. 

We have created this page to share information in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic and the changes to our testing procedure.


COVID-19 and its effects on athlete testing protocols

COVID-19 protocols were introduced to maintain the health and welfare of athletes and our doping control staff during the pandemic. We regularly review our processes and procedures to ensure that they are in line with the latest government guidance. The health and welfare of athletes and doping control staff will always be our number one priority.

We comply with the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) International Standard for Testing and Investigations. WADA and their Athletes Committee have put together information to guide athletes through any concerns about anti-doping operations. This information is available on the WADA website.

Our response to COVID-19

All Sport Integrity Australia doping control staff working at testing missions are vaccinated for COVID-19.

We are also ensuring strict cleaning and sanitising processes are employed at all testing locations. Sport Integrity Australia doping control staff are not required to wear Personal Protective Equipment, however this is strongly recommended. Sport Integrity Australia doping control staff will continue to carry enough Personal Protective Equipment for staff and athletes at all missions. Athletes, and anyone attending the test with the athlete will be offered Personal Protective Equipment (gloves and face masks), should they wish to wear them.

Sport Integrity Australia doping control staff who have COVID-19 symptoms will not be involved in testing missions.

What do athletes need to do if they have contracted COVID-19?

Athletes who contract COVID-19 should advise their National Sporting Organisation (NSO).

If the athlete is on Sport Integrity Australia’s Registered Testing Pool, National Testing Pool or Domestic Testing Pool, please notify us by email:

When making contact, please include the date of positive test.

What if the athlete has tested positive to COVID-19 and doping control staff arrive to test?

On arrival at the athlete’s home, Sport Integrity Australia doping control staff will ask a series of questions that will determine if the testing can take place. If the DCO determines that the test cannot take place due to COVID-19 risks, they will ask the athlete to scan a QR code and complete a declaration.

What if an athlete starts to develop COVID-19 symptoms after testing?

If at any time in the two weeks following testing, an athlete is diagnosed with COVID-19 they should contact Sport Integrity Australia as soon as practicable by emailing:


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