Dr Sarah Benson PSM appointed CEO Sport Integrity Australia
Dr Sarah Benson PSM has been appointed by The Federal Government as the next Chief Executive Officer of Sport Integrity Australia (SIA).
Dr Benson joined SIA as a member of the senior executive team in 2023, with agency responsibility for driving a nationally coordinated response to sport integrity issues in Australia.
Dr Benson was the inaugural leader to the newly established Safety in Sport Division, strengthening the holistic integrity model to safeguard sport spanning all integrity threats.
Dr Benson established and led the agency’s policy response to prevent and respond to integrity threats to women and girls across all levels of sport in Australia through SIA’s Empowering Women & Girls in Sport Integrity Program.
Dr Benson had been acting in the CEO role prior to her permanent appointment.
She said leading the agency is a great honour and privilege.
"During my time at Sport Integrity Australia I have been enormously impressed by the expertise and dedication of the team at SIA along with the commitment from sport to strengthen integrity in Australian sport.
"The support from the government towards this commitment has been crucial in establishing Australia as a key player in protecting sport and ensuring transparency and a level playing field for all,” said Dr Benson.
“This year is shaping up to be a milestone year for SIA. We are just shy of our 5th anniversary, and working together with partners, the agency has built a solid base and strong partnerships to protect and promote sport integrity in Australia.
“As we all know though, there is always more to do and opportunities to improve. This year, SIA will continue its broad focus, strengthening foundations and advancing new initiatives to strengthen the integrity environment for all. Collaboration with all stakeholders is vital in the leadup to and beyond 2032.
"We have the partnerships, we have the expertise, we have the capabilities and most of all the drive and commitment to work together to achieve this."
Prior to joining Sport Integrity Australia in 2023, Dr Benson was the Chief Forensic Scientist for the Australian Federal Police (AFP). In this role, Sarah was responsible for executive leadership and management of the AFP Forensics Command providing strategic, operational and capability leadership across the AFP’s domestic and international policing responsibilities and providing high-level strategic advice to the AFP Executive, Australian Government and external committees, including the Australia-New Zealand Counter-Terrorism Committee, Australia New Zealand Policing Advisory Agency and INTERPOL.
Dr Benson coordinated Australia’s law enforcement support following the 2019 volcanic eruption on White Island in New Zealand. Sarah was also instrumental in the forensic and disaster victim identification support offered to the Netherlands and Ukraine following the 2014 MH17 disaster.
Dr Benson studied at the University of Technology, Sydney and holds a Doctor of Philosophy (Science) – Forensic Analysis of Explosives using Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (2009) and a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Chemistry – Forensic Science (2000).
In 2021, she was awarded the Public Service Medal in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List; the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) Alumni Award for Excellence (Faculty of Science); and the UTS Chancellor’s Award for Excellence.
Dr Benson will draw on her senior executive leadership experience, including operational, international, capability and scientific experience and expertise to lead Sport Integrity Australia to evolve the agency, ensuring trust and confidence across the national sport ecosystem and a global leader in making sport safe and fair for all through to 2032 and beyond.