This accessible sitemap maps out the current structure of the Sport Integrity Australia (SIA) website. Each category, sub-category and page of the website is included as a link below.
How to use this sitemap
- Find or look for the category or web page you need, in the list of links below or by clicking on a section in the 'On this page' menu.
- Click on the link to navigate to that category or page.
If you are still unable to find what you need, visit the contact us page to contact the relevant Sport Integrity Australia team.
Or call our general enquiries number: 1300 027 232
Home page
What we do
National Integrity Framework
- Sports signed up to the National Integrity Framework
- Information and resources for members of sport
- Information and resources for sporting organisations
- Education we offer
- Contact education
- Education feedback
- Sport integrity education webinars
- Health effects of doping
- Apps and VR
- Athlete testing
- Declared sporting event or competition
- Prohibited substances and methods
- Prohibited List explained
- 2025 Prohibited List
- Illicit drugs in sport
- Cocaine use in sport
- Cannabis use in sport
- Substances banned in sport
- A-diethyl-benzeneethanamine
- A-ethyl-Benzylamine (a-ethyl-Benzenemethamine)
- A-trimethyl-benezeneethanamine
- Amiloride
- Anastrozole and its metabolite OH-Anastrozole
- Andristatrienedione
- Androst-3,5-diene-7,17-dione (arimistane)
- Androstenediol
- Androstenedione
- Androsterone
- Bisdesmethylsibutramine
- Boldenone
- B-methylphenethylamine
- BPC-157
- Cannabis
- Chorionic gonadotrophin
- CJC-1295
- Clenbuterol
- Clomiphene
- Clostebol
- Cocaine
- D-amfetamine / Dextroamfetamine
- D-methamphetamine
- Dehydrochloromethyltestosterone (DHCMT)
- 4a-chloro-17b-hydroxymethyl-17a-methyl-18-nor-5a-androst-13-en-3a-ol and 4-chloro-17b-hydroxymethyl-17a-methyl-18-nor-5b-androsta-1,13-dien-3a-ol (metabolites of Dehydrochloromethyltestosterone (DHCMT))
- 4-chloro-17b-hydroxymethyl-17a-methyl-18-nor-5b-androst-1,13-dien-3a-ol (metabolite of dehydrochloromethyltestosterone)
- 4-chloro-17b-hydroxymethyl-17a-methyl-18-nor-androst-4,13-dien-3a-ol (metabolite of dehydrochloromethyltestosterone)
- 4-chloro-18-nor-17β-hydroxymethyl-17α-methyl-5β-androst-13-en-3α-ol (metabolite of dehydrochlormethyltestosterone and methylclostebol)
- Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
- Desmethylsibutramine (metabolites of Sibutramine)
- Di-hydroxy LGD-4033 (metabolite of LGD-4033)
- Drostanolone
- Ephedrine
- Erythropoietin (EPO)
- Etiocholanolone
- Exogenous Testosterone
- Fibroblast Growth Factor
- Follistatin
- Furosemide
- Glycerol
- Growth hormone
- GW1516
- Halostachine
- Hexarelin
- Higenamine
- Hydrochlorothiazide
- Ibutamoren (MK677)
- Insulin
- Ipamorelin
- Letrozole
- LGD-4033 (Ligandrol)
- Lisdexamfetamine
- Mechano Growth Factor
- Meldonium
- Mestanolone
- Metandienone (Dianabol)
- Methadone
- Methasterone
- Methylenedioxyamphetamine
- Methylphenidate (and its metabolite ritalinic acid)
- Modafinil
- N-dimethyl-2-phenylpropan-1-amine
- N.alpha-diethyl-Benzeneethanamine
- Nandrolone
- Norethandrolone and/or Ethylestrenol
- Octodrine (2-amino-6-methylheptane)
- Ostarine (Enobosarm)
- Oxandrolone
- Oxilofrine (methylsynephrine)
- Oxycodone
- Oxymetholone
- 2a,17a-dimethyl-5a-androstane-3a,17b-diol (metabolite of oxymetholone)
- 2z,17b-dihydroxymethyl-17a-methyl-18-nor-5a-androst-13-en-3a-oI (metabolite of oxymetholone)
- 2z-hydroxymethyl-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-3a,6b,17b-triol (metabolite of oxymetholone)
- 17a-methyl-5a-androstane-3a,17b-diol (metabolite of oxymetholone)
- 17b-hydroxymethyl-2z,17a-dimethyl-18-nor-5a-a nd rost-13-en-3-one (metabolite of oxymetholone)
- Phenpromethamine
- Phentermine
- RAD-140
- S-23
- Salbutamol
- Somatropin
- Stanozolol
- Tamoxifen citrate
- Terbutaline
- Testosterone
- Tetracosactide and Tetracosactrin
- Thymosin Beta-4
- Trenbolone
- Vasopressin
- 1,3-dimethylbutylamine
- 1,3-dimethylpentylamine (methylhexaneamine)
- 1-Phenylbutan-2-amine
- 2-aminoheptane
- 4-hydroxytestosterone
- 5βAdiol
- 17α-ethyl-5α-estrane-3α,17β-diol
- 17β-diol
- Supplements in sport
- World Anti-Doping Code
- Anti-Doping Rule Violations
- Current sanctions
- COVID-19
Sporting organisations:
- Air Sport Australia Confederation
- American Football Australia (Gridiron)
- Archery Australia
- Artistic Swimming Australia
- Athletics Australia
- AusCycling
- Australian Billiards & Snooker Council
- Australian Calisthenics Federation
- Australian Dragon Boat Federation
- Australian Eight Ball Federation
- Australian Fencing Federation
- Australian Flying Disc Association
- Australian Football League (AFL)
- Australian Ice Racing
- Australian Jujitsu Federation
- Australian Karate Federation
- Australian Kendo Renmei
- Australian Outrigger Canoe Racing Association
- Australian Polo Federation
- Australian Powerlifting Union
- Australian Sailing
- Australian Taekwondo
- Australian Underwater Federation
- Australian Waterski and Wakeboard Federation
- Australian Weightlifting Federation (AWF)
- AusTriathlon
- Badminton Australia
- Baseball Australia
- Basketball Australia
- Biathlon Australia
- Blind Sports Australia
- Bobsleigh & Skeleton Australia
- Bocce Australia
- Boccia Australia
- Bowls Australia
- Boxing Australia
- CombatAUS
- Croquet Australia
- Curling Australia
- Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS)
- Cricket Australia
- DanceSport Australia
- Darts Australia
- Deaf Sport Australia
- Disability Sports Australia
- Disabled Wintersport Australia
- Diving Australia
- Dodgeball Australia
- Equestrian Australia
- Federation Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM)
- Floorball Australia Limited
- Football Australia
- French Anti-Doping Agency
- Gaelic Football & Hurling Association of Australasia
- Goalball Australia
- Golf Australia
- Gymnastics Australia
- Handball Australia
- Hockey Australia
- Ice Hockey Australia
- Ice Skating Australia
- International Floorball Federation
- International Handball Federation
- International Testing Agency (ITA) on behalf of the International Surfing Association (ISA)
- International Traithlon Union
- IPF Anti-Doping Commission
- Judo Australia
- Kiteboarding Australia
- Kung Fu Wushu Australia
- Lacrosse Australia
- Modern Pentathlon Australia
- Motorcycling Australia
- Motorsport Australia
- Muaythai Australia
- National Campdraft Council of Australia
- National Rifle Association of Australia
- National Rugby League (NRL)
- National Sports Tribunal
- Netball Australia
- Olympic Winter Institute of Australia
- Orienteering Australia
- Paddle Australia
- Paralympics Australia
- Petanque Federation Australia
- Pistol Australia
- Polocrosse Australia
- Pony Club Australia
- Powerlifting Australia
- Riding for the Disabled Association of Australia
- Rowing Australia
- Rugby Australia
- Shooting Australia
- Skate Australia
- Skipping Australia
- Snow Australia
- Softball Australia
- Special Olympics Australia
- Sport Climbing Australia
- Sport Inclusion Australia
- Sport Ireland
- Squash Australia
- Surfing Australia
- Surf Life Saving Australia (SLSA)
- Swimming Australia
- Table Tennis Australia
- Target Rifle Australia
- Tennis Australia
- Tenpin Bowling Australia
- Touch Football Australia
- Transplant Australia Limited
- UniSport Australia
- UK National Anti-Doping Panel
- Union Cycliste Internationale
- United World Wrestling
- Volleyball Australia
- WAKO Australia Ltd (Kickboxing)
- Water Polo Australia
- Western Australian Institute of Sport (WAIS)
- Wheelchair Rugby Australia
- World Skate
- Wrestling Australia
Sporting codes:
- Aircraft Sport
- American Football (Gridiron)
- Archery
- Athletics
- Australian Rules Football / AFL
- Automobile Sports
- Badminton
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Basketball - Wheelchair
- Beach Volleyball
- Biathlon
- Billiards / Snooker / Eightball
- Bobsleigh / Skeleton / Luge
- Bocce / Boccia
- Bowls
- Boxing
- Calisthenics
- Campdraft
- Canoeing
- Cricket
- Croquet
- Cross Country Skiing
- Curling
- Cycling
- Hand-cycling
- DanceSport
- Darts
- Diving
- Dodgeball
- Dragon Boat
- Equestrian
- Equestrian - Para-Dressage
- Fencing
- Fencing - Wheelchair
- Floorball
- Flying Disc
- Football (Soccer)
- Gaelic Football and Hurling
- Goalball
- Golf
- Gymnastics
- Handball
- Hockey
- Ice Hockey
- Ice Racing
- Ice Skating
- Judo
- Jujitsu
- Karate
- Kendo
- Kickboxing
- Kung Fu Wushu
- Lacrosse
- Modern Pentathlon
- Motor Sport / Motorcycling
- Mountain Biking
- Muaythai
- Netball
- Orienteering
- Other
- Para-cycling
- Para-Powerlifting
- Petanque
- Polo
- Polocrosse
- Powerlifting
- Roller sports
- Rowing
- Rugby league
- Rugby union
- Rugby - Wheelchair
- Sailing / Yachting
- Shooting
- Skateboarding
- Skiing / Snowboarding
- Skipping
- Softball
- Sports Climbing
- Sprintcars
- Squash
- Surf lifesaving
- Surfing
- Swimming
- Synchronised Swimming
- Table tennis
- Taekwondo
- Tennis
- Tennis - Wheelchair
- Tenpin Bowling
- Touch
- Triathlon
- Underwater Hockey
- Underwater Rugby
- Volleyball
- Water Polo
- Waterskiing / Wakeboarding
- Weightlifting
- Wheelchair Basketball
- Wrestling
Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE)
- Australian Sports Drug Medical Advisory Committee (ASDMAC)
- Therapeutic Use Exemption process
- In-advance Therapeutic Use Exemption
- Retroactive Therapeutic Use Exemption
- Apply for a TUE
- Glucocorticoids
- Medical evidence needed
- Status of asthma medication in sport
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Regulation and anti-doping risk of supplements
- ASDMAC and ADAMS Privacy Policies
Safeguarding in sport
- Child Safe Practices - Do's and Don'ts
- Safeguarding for coaches
- Safeguarding for volunteers
- Safeguarding for parents and carers
- Safeguarding children and young people
- Safeguarding for sporting associations and clubs
- Safeguarding In Sport Continuous Improvement Program
- Unbreakable: The Jelena Dokic Story
Empowering Women and Girls in Sport Integrity Program
Competition Manipulation and Sports Wagering
Law Enforcement Partnership Program
- Play the Aussie Way
- National Integrity Framework
- Anti-doping
- Medications and supplements in sport
- Safeguarding resources
- Education resources
- Competition manipulation, match-fixing and sport wagering
- Sport Integrity apps
- Resource packs for sports
- Reporting and respectful behaviours
- Whistleblowing (Confidential Reporting)
- Communities and translated resources
- Corporate resources
- Clearinghouse for Sport
- Check your substances
- Athlete testing guide
- Ethical decision making in sport VR
- Doping control testing VR
News and media
- Subscribe to news and media
- Sport Integrity blog
- Helping sporting clubs apply National Child Safe Principles
- Sport Integrity Australia Assumes National Platform for information sharing
- Integrity kicks off 2025 footy season
- Standing together against racism and discrimination in sport
- Guide to manage high-risk activities and safeguard children in sport
- Preserve the magic of sport: Join the Athlete Advisory Group
- Celebrating International Day of Women and Girls in Science
- Safer Internet Day 2025 – Keeping sport positive online
- New education resource to support school teachers
- Unbreakable commitment to Safeguarding in Sport
- Education key to ensuring integrity in sport
- Supplement spotlight - Halostachine
- Top honours for SIA Doping Control Chaperone
- Q&A with Eric Mackenzie - Athlete Advisory Group
- Australia represented on Unintentional Doping Taskforce
- Dr Ewen Bradbery awarded Ken Fitch Fellowship for 2025
- Sport Integrity Australia's Annual Update
- Christmas and New Year Arrangements 2024 - 2025
- Sport driving positive change for those living with disability
- SIA champions National Indigenous Sports Summit
- Meet Bronwen Downie
- Sport Integrity Australia in the zone at the UC Capitals
- Sport Integrity Australia launches translated resources
- Changing of the DCO guard in Tasmania
- New Safeguarding video series launched
- Delfina Shakespear named ACT Local Hero finalist for Australian of the Year
- Sport Integrity Australia attends inaugural Oceania WADA forum
- EPO - what you should know
- Swimming Australia's innovative safeguarding approach
- Support for QLD youth leaders
- Let them have fun
- Children's Week 2024
- Cyber Safety in Sport: Cyber Security Awareness Month 2024
- Concussion in sport - more than a head knock
- New terrain for traditional Petanque
- Chef de Mission Kate McLoughlin to lead third Paralympics
- Anna Meares - Olympian for life
- Safeguarding for the future
- Time for consolidation
- Brimming with pride
- Athlete whereabouts update
- Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic eLearning course
- Sports Pharmacy eLearning course launched
- National Integrity Manager Program: bigger and better
- Complaints: case categorisation system
- National Volunteer Week 2024
- Classification fundamentals course update 2024
- On the mark: community umpiring week
- On the road with Sport Integrity Australia
- Upskilling state sports on sport integrity
- Plasma donation changes for athletes
- Furosemide use in sport
- Racism - it stops with me
- April 24 - The Day of the Dog
- Play True Day 2024
- Up for the challenge
- Shaping change in sport
- Minor doping: massive impact
- Red light, green socks
- CEO message - March 2024
- Racism in sport
- Untying trauma with BlueKnot
- 2024 illicit drugs eLearning course
- 2024 medical practitioners eLearning course
- Females in sport - International Women's Day
- Zero Discrimination Day
- Online safety a concern for sport
- What does Sport Integrity Australia do
- Maintaining engagement with international law enforcement
- Sport Integrity Australia's 2024 annual update
- Sport Integrity Australia Director appointed to WADA education committee
- Human rights in sport - Geneva human rights forum 2023
- Leading way in eLearning and cyber safety - LearnX awards 2023
- Webinar - tackling poor behaviour in sport
- Athlete insights continue to inform strategic approach
- Keeping up to date with advancements in science
- National Integrity Manager network share experiences
- Webinar - how to create a safe and supportive environment
- New Advisory Council to help advance sport integrity
- Global approach to anti-doping
- Richard honoured as Paralympian 527
- Tramadol added to 2024 prohibited list
- MOUs to strengthen capability globally
- Education key - so how are we tracking
- Safeguarding Surf Life Saving Australia paramount
- The battle within - speaking up about mental health
- No excuse for sideline abuse
- University partnership to educate sport on current threats
- Understanding grooming
- Pilot sports help deliver robust safeguarding audit framework
- Resources to help safeguard sport
- Using exercise science as medicine
- Five sports take lead in safeguarding members
- Global partnerships protect integrity of sport
- Don't skip your meds - get a TUE instead
- Time spent with Singapore Sport invaluable
- Personal and professional journey during NAIDOC week 2023
- New Zealand visit - sport and recreation integrity transition program
- Safeguarding sport key challenge
- AAG gives voice to sport integrity matters
- New safeguarding program puts members first
- National Integrity Managers network - 12 months in
- Aim to get doping out of sport - DFSNZ CEO
- How sport changed my life - Paralympian Richard Nicholson
- Sport Integrity Australia's new Safety in Sport division
- Start to Talk - New child safe sport awareness campaign
- Winter supplements warning
- Worrying trend steroid use in young adults
- Sharing knowledge sports corruption and doping
- Australia good friends, colleagues and supporters of ORADO
- Celebrating Play True Day with Aussie athletes
- Workshop showcases exciting future for education
- Excellent opportunity to learn from experts in their fields
- New hotline for members to share their story
- MOU signed with AFP and ACT Policing
- Sport Integrity Australia National Strategy Information Sharing
- Jonathan Goerlach on International Day of People with Disability
- Cyber bullying women in sport focus - University of Canberra
- New blood test hits the spot
- 2023 Prohibited List released
- National Integrity network prospers
- Integra dog partnership win-win
- Regions unite for clean sport
- National Science Week - Gemma Payne
- SARMs threat to fair play - also dangerous
- Ibutamoren (MK 677) not OK
- Meet our Athlete Advisory Group
- Medicinal cannabis in sport - FAQs
- Medicinal cannabis in sport - insight for athletes and support people
- Athlete warning - IV infusions
- 2022 Prohibited List and annual update education course
- Our latest award-winning education tool
- Clean is gold in Beijing
- Play it fair online
- Let's talk about blood
- How to safeguard your sport
- New study explores doping risk of protein fortified foods
- 2022 Prohibited List released
- Sports Integrity Australia - 12 months in
- New rules around Glucocorticoid injections
- Tips for masters to avoid sport integrity pitfalls
- Celebrating 100 years of women's soccer in Australia
- Work together to keep sport safe for everyone
- 100 long term storage samples given all-clear
- Corporate plan 2021-2025 - CEO message
- National Science Week - Rima Chakrabarty
- Sport Integrity Australia and Play by the Rules courses in one place
- RAD-140 - health warning
- New online educational course for Olympians and Paralympians
- Become an integrity voice for athletes
- Tom back from the outer
- Changes to the 2021 Prohibited List
- Essential tool kit for teachers
- Changes in supplements regulation good news for athletes
- Innovative education wins awards
- Supplements - cautionary tale
- Clean sport 101 - intro to anti-doping
- Athlete advisory - prohibited substance GW1516
- Do not risk using Andarine
- Anti-doping Level 2 eLearning course 2020
- "Natural" substance banning athletes from sport
- Take supplements at your own risk
- Anti-doping and meat contamination
- Concerns of black-market peptides
- Helping parents keep children safe in sport
- Pseudoephedrine - can you take it
- I had 14 days to live
- Digesting food first approach
- Few aware of supplement risks
- Rise of LGD-4033
- Performance enhancing drugs - the other side
- GW1516 - popular but deadly
- Dispelling supplement myths
- Truth about supplements
- Is your supplement safe
- Steroids and infertility
- Doping violation updates
- Weightlifter receives sanction
- Rugby league player sanctioned
- AFL player receives sanction
- Driver receives sanction
- Cyclist receives sanction
- Judo athlete sanctioned
- Motorcyclist receives sanction
- Weightlifter sanctioned
- Rugby player receives sanction
- Weightlifter receives sanction
- Weightlifter receives sanction
- Mountain bike and cycling athlete sanction extended
- Powerlifting athlete sanction extended
- Cyclist / mountain bike rider receives sanction
- Stephen Dank appeal dismissed
- Stephen Dank lifetime ban
- Media statements
- SIA CEO congratulates first female IOC President, Kirsty Coventry
- Dr Sarah Benson PSM appointed CEO Sport Integrity Australia
- #MarchForward for International Women’s Day
- Australia hosts international intelligence and investigations workshop
- Working to strengthen the Pacific region a key focus for annual Law Enforcement Conference
- Sport Integrity Australia to partner with Australian team for Glasgow 2026
- Sports leaders reinforce a commitment to protecting the integrity of Australian sport
- ‘Unbreakable’ film partnership to promote child safeguarding in sport
- High-Level Strategy to Enhance Safety for Women and Girls in Sport
- WADA and Sport Integrity Australia renew ORADO funding agreement
- Sport Integrity Australia launches children's activity book
- Quantum Challenge 2032 Anti-doping Project Partnership
- National Child Protection Week: Education Key
- National Child Protection Week: Keeping Kids Safe
- National Science Week: The Science Behind The Test
- National Science Week: Pharmacist training to Protect Clean Athletes
- Launch of Global Network of National Sport Integrity Agencies
- National Science Week: Highlighting Sport Integrity Australia’s Science Capability
- Partnership with Samoa to promote clean and safe sport
- Passing of global anti-doping pioneer Harri Syväsalmi
- Safe Sport Day 2024
- Appointment of acting CEO
- Sport Integrity Law Enforcement Conference
- AFL Illicit Drugs Policy assessment
- Sport Integrity Australia CEO steps down
- WADA on contamination case involving Chinese swimmers
- Sport Integrity Australia statement
- Statement on anti-doping system
- CEO calls for leaders in sport to drive cultural reform
- Patrick Johnson receives IOC honour
- Concussion guidelines should be adopted by all National Sporting Organisations
- Sport Integrity Australia backs eSafety resources to tackle online abuse
- Sport Integrity Australia Advisory Council appointments
- Sport Integrity Australia update on the Peter Bol matter
- Sport Integrity Australia Partners with Pride in Sport
- Sport Integrity Australia - three years on
- Cyber security and safety education tailored to sport
- We must draw a line in the sand on racism at all levels of Australian sport
- Sport Integrity Australia finalises matters relating to Football Australia's independent complaints handling
- Sport Integrity Australia and International Testing Agency sign agreement
- Statement on Peter Bol matter
- Sport Integrity Australia enhances partnership with University of Canberra
- Australian sport to benefit from nationally coordinated response
- Athlete informed approach drives drop in supplement positives
- Re-analysis of samples given all-clear ahead of Birmingham Games
- Milestone day for Australian sport
- New body strengthens sport in region
- Dutch look at Sport Integrity Australia model
- Group of NADOS proposes declaration of guiding principles for future of anti-doping
- Sharing a vision for the future with global integrity agencies
- Sport Integrity Australia releases WAIS gymnastics review findings
- Integrity support reaches community coaches
- Athlete Advisory Group gives voice to athletes
- KADA partnership to strengthen our region
- Response to Swimming Australia's independent panel report recommendations
- Virtual reality gives young athletes safe place for tough decisions
- Independent complaint handling process confirmed for Football Australia
- Statement on Shayna Jack decision
- Swimming Australia board to work towards National Integrity Framework
- CEO David Sharpe's Senate Estimates statement
- Independent review of WAIS women's artistic gymnastics program
- Sports should not investigate themselves: CEO
- Sport Integrity Australia welcomes AHRC gymnastics report
- Sport Integrity Australia acknowledges decision in Bronson Xerri matter
- Statement on William Rioli decision
- Sport Integrity Australia responds to media on William Rioli
- Sport Integrity Australia acknowledges decision in James Segeyaro matter
- Independent complaints process for Hockey Australia to commence
- Reduced sanction leaves many questions
- Agreement with Hockey Australia
- New Commonwealth funding critical to protect Australian sport
- Sport Integrity Australia lodge appeal in Shayna Jack case
- Sport Integrity Australia acknowledges decision in Shayna Jack matter
- CEO David Sharpe calls for more women in leadership roles in sport
- Gymnastics Australia supplementary complaints management process
- CEO acknowledges ADRVP contribution to integrity of sport
- New era for sports integrity
- Powerful intelligence partnership crucial to protect sport
- Education and athlete welfare primary focus of new legislation
- Sharpe honoured by Sport Integrity Australia appointment
- Ministerial statements
- Australian Government bolsters safeguards in sport
- Anti-doping law reform strengthens integrity of Australian sport
- A new era for sports integrity in Australia
- Sport Integrity Advisory Council appointed
- Safety in sport division to protect against abuses of power
- Improving child safe cultures in sport
- Podcast
- Collaboration key to combatting drugs in sport
- Science behind Sport Integrity Australia
- Swimming in the integrity lane
- Going global: au revoir to anti-doping stalwart Darren Mullaly
- Anna Meares & Sarah Kenny - grassroots to Paris
- Ellie Cole, Cal Bruton & Harry - Play the Aussie Way
- Josh Bruce - life after sport
- Speaking up about mental health
- Michelle Heyman - building the Matildas legacy
- Ella Sabljak & Richard Nicholson - evolution of para sport
- Safeguarding sport
- Patrick Johnson & Caitlin Bassett - Gamechangers
- Sport on notice
- Eric Mackenzie - AFL to AAG
- Abuse, bribes & pressure
- Katrina Fanning - acceptance, racism, a way forward
- Sport Integrity Matters Magazine
- Issue 19 - December 2024 [Issuu]
- Issue 18 - September 2024 [Issuu]
- Issue 17 - June 2024 [Issuu]
- Issue 16 - March 2024 [Issuu]
- Issue 15 - December 2023 [Issuu]
- Issue 14 - September 2023 [Issuu]
- Issue 13 - June 2023 [Issuu]
- Issue 12 - March 2023 [Issuu]
- Issue 11 - December 2022 [Issuu]
- Issue 10 - September 2022 [Issuu]
- Issue 9 - June 2022 [Issuu]
- Issue 8 - March 2022 [Issuu]
- Issue 7 - December 2021 [Issuu]
- Issue 6 - September 2021 [Issuu]
- Issue 5 - September 2020 [PDF 2.8 MB]
- Issue 4 - May 2020 [PDF 7.2 MB]
- Issue 3 - February 2020 [PDF 4.7 MB]
- Issue 2 - October 2019 [PDF 5.8 MB]
- Issue 1 - August 2019 [PDF 9.5 MB]
About us
- Who we are
- Minister for Sport
- Employment
- Corporate
- APS employee census
- Athlete privacy
- Determining breaches of the APS Code of Conduct
- Indexed list of file titles
- Finance
- Freedom of Information (FOI)
- FOI Disclosure Log
- Sport Integrity Australia Brand Identity Toolkit
- Documents relating to strategy and policy on legislation reporting child abuse allegations, complaints process 2020, supplementary complaints procedure, and advice on the establishment of national sport integrity offences
- Invoices received for Welcome to Country ceremonies undertaken for agency hosted events/conferences
- Documents relating to AusTender Contract Notice: CN4015140 (Indigenous Polo Shirts Uniforms)
- Complaints Handling Senate Estimates Briefs - 2023
- Documents and guidance material used by Sport Integrity Australia to assist in processing Freedom of Information requests
- Documents relating to the proposal for the monitoring of sport betting (wagering) markets
- Background Information Brief to CEO - Esports
- MOU and MOU Variation - SIA Athlete Passport Management Unit
- Esports regulation and integrity/corruption concerns within the industry
- Schedule of documents relating to 'Intentional Misrepresentation'
- Email enclosing ASADA's 2013 'Incoming Minister Brief'
- Document titled 'CEO Recommendation Show Cause Pack' and excerpt from website
- Privacy Information - 001/2021
- Draft document titled 'Final Investigation Report' - Operation Cobia - Australian Football League (AFL)'
- Documents relating to testing procedures and COVID-19
- Review of Operation Cobia - 010/2019
- Review of Operation Cobia - 009/2019
- Documents relating to 'Check Your Substances' database
- Documents relating to Thymosin Beta 4
- Internal Audit of Performance of Sports Education
- Internal Audit of the Commonwealth Games Planning
- AFP Investigation correspondence
- Senate Estimates Briefs - February 2019
- 'Check Your Substances' search results
- Communications with journalists at The Age
- Facts and circumstances resulting in an anti-doping rule violation for the Athlete Sarah Klein
- Documents relating to Floorball Australia, International Floorball Federation and sanctions
- Documents relating to the hearing of appeals 'de novo' by International and Australian sports tribunals
- Briefing papers and attachments prepared ASADA attendance at Senate Committee hearings in Feb/March 2016 and May 2016
- Documents relating to ASADA’s investigation of Nathan Bock and his subsequent clearance by ASADA
- Correspondence between the ASADA and the Senate Standing Committee of Community Affairs
- Adverse Analytical Findings and Anti-Doping Rule Violations by tennis players from 2006
- ASADA positive tests (exemption and sanction) finalised results by sport, by year 2016 and 2017
- ASADA’s decision not to exercise its appeal rights
- Correspondence and documents between ASADA and the Minister’s office relevant to Aurora Andruska’s tenure and resignation as CEO of ASADA
- Investigation into potential anti-doping violations at the Melbourne Football Club
- Correspondence between ASADA and WADA relevant to WADA’s decision to appeal the AFL Tribunal decision
- AFL Anti-Doping Rule Violations from Adverse Analytical Findings 2014 - 2016
- Correspondence exchanged between the Minister for Health Sussan Ley and a member of ASADA between 23/12/14 and 13/1/17
- AGS and ASADA correspondence about AGS advice regarding the release of Operation Cobia documents to the Senate
- All correspondence to and from ASADA relating to the cases of Nick Mastro (aka Mastrodomenico) and Dylan Lauri
- Standing Committee of Community Affairs, Committee Chair correspondence to CEO
- Documentation relating to Sandor Earl, Dylan Lauri and Nick Mastrodomenico
- Nicholas Mastrodomenico - ARU and NRL Decision and Sanction Notices
- Weightlifting Testing Statistics
- Anti-doping test by State/Territory for 2014-15
- Positive tests January 2015 - July 2016
- ADRVP Decision Papers - 4 November 2016
- Progress of Operation Cobia
- Communications with WADA about Thymosin, Thymosin Beta 4, TB-500, TB4 or Thymomodulin
- Communications with ABC Offsiders
- Communications with Fairfax Media journalists
- Communications with News Ltd journalists
- Communications with Fairfax Media journalists
- ASADA / AFL joint investigation information request
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