Improving Child Safe Cultures In Sport

  • Ministerial statements

The Albanese Government is protecting children from abuse in sport through the Safeguarding in Sport Continuous Improvement Program.

The program is part of a range of initiatives to support child safeguarding in sport and will be administered by Sport Integrity Australia, with the support of the National Office for Child Safety.

Minister for Sport, the Hon. Anika Wells, said the program would provide sports with education, training and ongoing support to ensure all members are provided a safe and inclusive environment.

A key component of the program will see Sport Integrity Australia conduct an audit in partnership with each sport to map their progress against child safeguarding requirements (aligned to the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations) and best practice member protection requirements.

The audit will assist in determining the maturity of these practices in each sport and, together, Sport Integrity Australia and the sport will then develop a tailored action plan to improve child safeguarding and member protection practices and processes within an agreed timeframe.

More details about the program, including how to sign-up, can be found on Sport Integrity Australia’s Safeguarding in Sport Continuous Improvement Program.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Sport Anika Wells

“Sport Integrity Australia’s Safeguarding in Sport Continuous Improvement Program is complementary to the National Integrity Framework and provides a nationally consistent approach to child safeguarding,” Minister Wells said.

“The objective is to create genuine cultural change from the top level, right through to community sport.

Safeguarding in sport for many organisations can be a challenge - sporting bodies have a long list of competing priorities. This program is designed to give sports the framework, resources and ongoing support required to reduce the complexity of safeguarding.

“It provides practical processes to empower sports to establish a safe environment at every level.”

Quotes attributable to Sport Integrity Australia CEO David Sharpe

“The Safeguarding in Sport Continuous Improvement Program provides a nationally consistent approach to safeguarding across the sector and will drive greater accountability for continuous improvement and maturing of safeguarding practices.

“By signing up to the program, sports can leverage expert resources, education and supporting materials from Sport Integrity Australia which ultimately provides better outcomes for all members, including children.”

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