Rugby league player sanctioned

  • Doping violation updates

Sport Integrity Australia acknowledges that Queensland Rugby League (QRL) has imposed a three-year and eight-month period of ineligibility on athlete Mitchell Farlow for the Presence and Use of Prohibited Substances.

Mr Farlow, who was playing for the Ipswich Jets rugby league team at the time, returned an Adverse Analytical Finding from an Out of-Competition doping control test on 20 March 2023.

Mr Farlow’s sample was analysed at the Australian Sports Drug Testing Laboratory, part of the National Measurement Institute, and the presence of Di-hydroxy LGD-4033 (metabolite of LGD-4033) and 4a-chloro-17b-hydroxymethyl-17a-methyl-18-nor-5a-androst-13-en-3a-ol and 4-chloro-17a-hydroxymethyl-17b-methyl-18-nor-5a-androst-13-en-3a-ol (metabolites of Dehydrochloromethyltestosterone (DHCMT)) were detected.

The substance LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) is listed under S1.2 (Other Anabolic Agents) under the World Anti-Doping Code – International Standard – Prohibited List – 2023 (Prohibited List 2023). The substance LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) is a Non-Specified Substance and is prohibited at all times.

Additionally, the substance Dehydrochloromethyltestosterone (DHCMT) is listed under Class S1.1 (Anabolic Androgenic Steriods (AAS)) under the Prohibited List 2023. The substance DHCMT is a Non-Specified Substance and is prohibited at all times.


It has been determined that:

  • on 20 March 2023, Di-hydroxy LGD-4033 (metabolite of LGD-4033) and 4a-chloro-17b-hydroxymethyl-17a-methyl-18-nor-5a-androst-13-en-3a-ol and 4-chloro-17a-hydroxymethyl-17b-methyl-18-nor-5a-androst-13-en-3a-ol (metabolites of Dehydrochloromethyltestosterone (DHCMT)) were present in Mr Farlow’s sample (Presence); and
  • on and/or before 20 March 2023, Mr Farlow used the Prohibited Substances LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) and Dehydrochloromethyltestosterone (DHCMT) (Use).


The QRL has imposed a three-year and eight-month ban on Mr Farlow commencing on 20 March 2023.

Mr Farlow is ineligible to participate in any sports that have adopted a World Anti-Doping Code compliant anti-doping policy until 20 November 2026. He is also not permitted to compete in a non-signatory professional league, or event organised by a non-signatory International or National level event organisation.

Additional information on the Prohibited Substances

LGD-4033 (Ligandrol), originally developed for the treatment of muscle wasting conditions such as aging, osteoporosis, muscular dystrophy and cancer, is promoted as a selective non-steroidal anabolic agent.

It is claimed to be a substance that induces muscle (and bone) growth without the side effects associated with steroid use. However, information on the safety of LGD-4033 is scarce due to a lack of medium and long-term clinical trials - hence the medium and long-term health impacts are unknown.

Dehydrochloromethyltestosterone (DHCMT) has been shown to cause side effects which include damage to the liver, heart and reproductive system.

Sport Integrity Australia is committed to protecting the right of clean athletes to fair competition. If you are aware of any suspicious doping activity, you can report it anonymously via the Sport Integrity Australia website.

Sport Integrity Australia recommends you check all your substances before you take them on the Sport Integrity app.


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