The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.


Driver receives sanction

  • Doping violation updates

Sport Integrity Australia acknowledges the decision of Motorsport Australia to impose a three-year period of Ineligibility on athlete Joseph (Joey) Mawson for the Presence of a Prohibited Substance, Use of a Prohibited Substance and Possession of a Prohibited Substance.

Mr Mawson, a driver contracted to 88 Racing in the S5000 Series at the time, returned an Adverse Analytical Finding (AAF) from an In-Competition doping control test on 13 May 2023.

Mr Mawson’s sample was analysed at the Australian Sports Drug Testing Laboratory, part of the National Measurement Institute, and the presence of Meldonium was detected.

The substance Meldonium is listed under Class S4.4.3 (Metabolic Modulators) under the World Anti-Doping Code – International Standard – Prohibited List – 2023. Meldonium is classified as a Non-Specified Substance and is prohibited at all times.

It was determined that on and/or before 13 May 2023, Mr Mawson Used the Prohibited Substance, Meldonium. It was also determined that on 14 March 2023 to and/or around 13 September 2023, Mr Mawson Possessed the Prohibited Substance, Meldonium.

Motorsport Australia imposed a three-year period of Ineligibility on Mr Mawson commencing on 13 May 2023.

Mr Mawson’s period of Ineligibility was reduced by 12 months following a full admission of the anti-doping rule violations.

Mr Mawson is ineligible to participate in any sports that have adopted a World Anti-Doping Code compliant anti-doping policy until 13 May 2026. He is also not permitted to compete in a non-Signatory professional league or Event organised by a non-Signatory International Event organisation or a non-Signatory national-level event organisation.

Additional information on the Prohibited Substance

Meldonium, also known as Mildronate, Quatrine, MET-88 and trimethylhydrazinium propionate (THP), is intended for the treatment of cardiovascular issues. Meldonium is not approved for use in Australia.

Meldonium increases the capacity for oxygen delivery to tissue during exercise and can therefore enhance an athlete’s performance. As such, Meldonium was banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency in 2016.

Meldonium is known to cause serious health side effects such as fluctuations in blood pressure, abdominal discomfort (dyspeptic symptoms), rapid or irregular heartbeat (tachycardia), headaches, allergic skin reactions and agitation.

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