The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.


Support of the Gymnastics Australia Supplementary Complaints Management Process

  • Media statements

Sport Integrity Australia and the National Sports Tribunal have confirmed they will play a key role in Gymnastics Australia’s newly developed Supplementary Complaints Management Policy, announced today.

Both Sport Integrity Australia and the National Sports Tribunal will be crucial in facilitating an independent and comprehensive assessment of individual complaints related to potential breaches of Gymnastics Australia policies.

In announcing their role in the process, the two agencies reiterated their total support for the work being undertaken by Gymnastics Australia.

In addition to providing support to an Independent Assessor, Sport Integrity Australia will also assist Gymnastics Australia through the management and coordination of investigations in accordance with the Independent Assessor’s recommendations.

Sport Integrity Australia CEO David Sharpe has reinforced his agency’s commitment to protecting sport: 

“It is essential that sport and government work together to provide these athletes with an independent process and ensure that the perpetrators of misconduct are removed from sport”.

Where dispute resolution is required, these services will be provided by the National Sports Tribunal. This includes mediation, conciliation or a Tribunal hearing as appropriate.

National Sports Tribunal CEO John Boultbee welcomed the new process:

“It will provide athletes in the sport of Gymnastics with an opportunity to have their voices heard and grievances addressed in a forum that will be independent and fair to all parties”.

The Supplementary Complaints Management Policy will provide an avenue for specific complaints to be addressed with independence, fairness, transparency, efficiency and consistency.

The process will run parallel to the Australian Human Rights Commission Independent Review of Gymnastics in Australia; it will not intervene in or interfere with the work of the Commission.

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