The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.


Pilot sports help deliver a robust safeguarding audit framework

  • Integrity blog

Our Safeguarding in Sport Continuous Improvement Program provides a nationally consistent approach to child safeguarding in sport.

The program was developed by Sport Integrity Australia with the help of some National Sport Organisations who were part of a pilot program over a six-month period.

Sport Integrity Australia Director of Safeguarding Lisa Purves said the purpose of the pilot program was to develop a robust audit framework to support the implementation of the program.

“Sport Integrity Australia recognises the significant work that has been completed by Gymnastics, Rugby and Equestrian since the pilot program concluded,” Ms Purves said. “All three sports have made significant strides in their safeguarding journey.

“Their practical insights and context provided valuable feedback which have shaped the final program design.”

She said key learnings and insights were gathered from the pilot sports.

Critically, the pilot sports identified key resources required for the sector, including the Child Safety Risk Management and Guide, Safeguarding Risk Identification Library and the Third-Party Contractor Guide.

Sport Integrity Australia is currently finalising these child safe risk management tools, which will be made available to all sports towards the end of 2023.

At the conclusion of the pilot program, three sports:

  1. Gymnastics Australia
  2. Rugby Australia
  3. Equestrian Australia


Have continued to work with Sport Integrity Australia, to develop their Recognise Phase Action Plans aimed at maturing their member protection and child safeguarding practices.

Sport Integrity Australia also congratulates the following sports who have since signed up to the program, demonstrating a commitment providing a safe sport environment for their members:


For more information, visit the Safeguarding sport page, or contact the Sport Integrity Australia Safeguarding team via email:

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