How to find a batch tested supplement using the app. Step 1. Click on the start button. Click the start button, located under the check supplement tile. The menu items are also on the toolbar located at the bottom of the screen for quick access. Step 2. Read and accept the disclaimer. This page contains a warning about the safety of taking supplements. Be sure to listen to the true story of one athlete who tested positive to a supplement. Once you've completed this, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the continue button. Step 3. Find a supplement. All supplements listed in this app have been batch tested which means they've been screened for banned ingredients at a scientific laboratory before they get to the shelf. If you are looking to buy a supplement, you can search for a batch tested product in the main part of the screen - by scrolling up and down. The app includes thousands of batches of pre-workouts, protein powders, vitamins and other types of supplements. For this example, we'll look for a creatine powder. Narrow down your search by using the scroll bar slide left to find creatine and then the app will show you all of the batch tested creatine supplements you can buy in Australia. Next scroll up or down in the menu until you find the supplement that you're looking for. Once you find the supplement - click it to bring up more information about that supplement. Step 4. Finding a tested batch. This page contains important information about the supplement that you have chosen. The logo tells you which company has conducted the batch testing. Either HASTA or Informed Sport. That logo will also usually be on the label of your supplement. By clicking the plus symbol located on the right-hand side of the page you can expand the page to show which batches of this supplement have been tested. You need to make sure that the batch number on your supplement matches the batch number in the app. Where to find your batch number. Batch numbers are usually printed on a sticker placed on the back of your supplement pack or printed on the base of your supplement bottle. On our creatine mono it is printed on a sticker on the back of the packet. As you can see the batch number of our creatine matches a batch listed in the app. This means we can be sure that this product has been batch tested and is low risk. Remember using a batch tested product significantly reduces your risk of accidentally taking a contaminated product but is still not a 100 percent guarantee. Step 5. Screenshot your supplement. Taking a screenshot of this page is a great way to keep a record of the supplement you're taking. So, let's review. Step 1, click to start. Step 2, read the disclaimer. Step 3, find the appropriate supplement. Step 4 finds a tested batch and step 5, screenshot to keep a record. For more information visit