How to check if your supplement is batch tested. Step 1. Click on the start button. Click the start button located under the check supplement tile. The menu items are also on the toolbar located at the bottom of the screen for quick access. Read the disclaimer. Step 2. Read and accept the disclaimer. This page contains a warning about the safety of taking supplements. Be sure to listen to the true story of one athlete who tested positive to a supplement. Once you've completed this scroll to the bottom of the page and click the continue button. Search for your supplement. Step 3. Search for your supplement. The simplest way to check if your supplement has been tested is to search for the supplement name in the search bar. You can search by product name or the brand. Here we'll search for the product creatine mono manufactured by True Protein. When you have your search results you can scroll up and down through the menu to find the product you're looking for. As you can see the supplement we have searched for, 'True Protein creatine mono' is a tested supplement. Check your supplement. Step 4. Check your supplement. This page contains important information about the supplement that you should check against the product. Click the plus symbol located on the right-hand side of the page to expand the page to show which batches of this supplement have been tested. To check your supplement, make sure that the batch number printed on your product matches a batch listed in the app. Where to find your batch number. Batch numbers are usually printed on a sticker. Where to find your batch number placed on the back of your supplement pack or printed on the base of your supplement bottle. On our creatine mono it is printed on a sticker on the back of the packet. As you can see the batch number of our creatine matches a batch listed in the app. This means we can be sure that this product has been batch tested and is low risk. Remember: Using a batch tested product significantly reduces your risk of accidentally taking a contaminated product but is still not a one hundred percent guarantee. Step 5. Screenshot your supplement. Screenshot your supplement. Taking a screenshot of this page is a great way to keep a record of the supplement you're taking. But what happens if the supplement you have searched for hasn't been tested? Untested supplement. If we search for the product 'muscle magic', we can see that this product hasn't been tested. By clicking the start button on the untested supplement page, you can begin a risk analysis questionnaire. By answering a few questions about the product and its ingredients you can determine how risky your supplement is. It's important to remember that this risk assessment is only a guide, and we strongly recommend that athletes not use untested supplements. There are also some products that we know are likely to contain a banned ingredient. Banned supplement. Either because it lists the banned substance on the label or because a scientific laboratory has detected it in the past. If you search for one of these supplements a warning will come up telling you that it's extremely high risk. As an athlete you should never use one of these products. So, let's recap. Start the app, read the disclaimer, search for your supplement. Recap. Expand the information and check your supplement. If your product is untested fill out the risk survey and consider a different product. And remember always screenshot your supplements. For more information, visit